Sure, fuck em. You and I will never be that rich so don’t defend the shit stains you ass wipes. Or do, I’ll Just call you an asswipe. 

Sub name should definitely add clearly not in front. Well said. 

So it’s corps price gouging. Wow what a great 10 minute detour real Americans had at finding out you are just full of shit. Thanks for being a shit stain protecting corporate interest for seemingly no fucking reason. 

Judon, you are too good for the husk of the patriots. Go get yourself some cash from an owner who cares more about reality instead of just appearances. 

Bidens response to this was to stare at you in bewilderment with his mouth slightly open. 

I can think of a few very realistic ways to remove corrupt officials.

I advise studying French history. 

Willfully ignorant or stupid. I think you are smart enough and know what I mean but being obtuse.

Good luck with your farm or whatever it is, I’m happy you have been blessed in life.

He has his and wants to justify the existence of the poor below him. It’s not about you or logic. Don’t get upset about it. 

Lie down and take it like a bitch if you want. 

I am entitled. You’re god damned right.

I work, and I pay my fair share in taxes. Willing to pay more if it helps the country and others get their piece, but unlike you I’m actually grateful to the ideals we strive for. 

E pluribus unum.

It’s called the American dream for a reason stop being a pathetic loser. 

Lie down and take it like a bitch if you want. 

Almost every post in this sub is from weirdos who probably couldn't finance a biggie bag from Wendy’s.  If you’re going to pay for a dwelling why not have that payment go towards a bit of capital? For the young guns, buying is always better.

What I mean to say is he isn’t talented enough to do so, not that I trust him.

This guys been posting random birds and bats for like a week since he got this camera I don’t think he’s faking any overlays lmao

So you’re a medical welfare queen who hates himself and thinks he’s smarter than he is. Ahahahahah give me more man, tell me off! Bahahahaha 

You’re not very educated dude. Pointless for me to try and help you. Try and read more. 

Uh oh that place doesn’t exist without high taxes! Going radio silent

I wish they’d all go live on an island and starve slowly due to being completely inept morons. Did I say starve? I meant strive because they don’t have to pay taxes anymore. 

He’s on top of being violent, wrong. 

Source: Uvalde

Reddits blasting dumb incel shit again. These aren’t real people bro don’t sweat it lol

If it stinks everywhere you go check your shoes. 

All these guys are surrounded by awful women…. Why? I’ve known plenty of women like this, but I’ve never had any desire to date or even associate with them.