I always get a little dizzy from forward rolls and crazy dizzy from back rolls. I just take my time now instead of racing to the end of the mat. I'll do 3-5 forward rolls and the. 2 back rolls with 30 seconds between each to give my head a break.

:1stripe:⬜ White Belt

Just search on the subreddit, lots of posts about people asking for soft/comfortable gis

:1stripe:⬜ White Belt

Try getting a softer gi then if you have an entry level one. I really like my Fuji Suparaito gis. I know there are softer gis out there, but they can get expensive fast.

She was emotionally unavailable and I would likely be struggling from depression and constant anxiety. We weren't a good fit even though we dated for about 2 years.

:1stripe:⬜ White Belt

Is this from Gi or Nogi training? When I first started I was using a cheaper Elite gi from Amazon, it was like sandpaper on my skin and caused a lot of irritation (especially on my neck from people pulling on my lapel). Now I use Fuji lightweight gis and it is a lot better. You can also get yourself a long sleeve rash guard and spats for under the gi and it will help - but in my experience you get hot more easily. If it is from mat burns, that is just part of training and your contact spots will get some calluses and it won't be as bad in the future.

For scat packs? I think it was 2021. I had a 2019 and it wasn't an option when I ordered. I then sold my 2019 and ordered a 2021 WB.

My wife is a social worker as well. A severally underpaid career.


Not true. There are many states, including my state (Tennessee) that says you are legally required to report any child abuse or neglect.

Here is the state of Tennessee law about it: https://www.tn.gov/dcs/program-areas/child-safety/reporting/hotline-faq.html

In Tennessee if you don't report it is a Class A misdemeanor.

Not all states require everyone to be a mandated reporter, many do but many don't and for those states only specific professions are considered mandated reporters (teachers, doctors, social workers, etc). Obviously everyone should report any and all suspected abuse, but they are not always legally required to.

My immediate family members have a genetic heart condition and go to Vanderbilt, their cardiac team is literally one of the best in the country and continues to get better. They recently just got a few new pediatric cardiologists from John Hopkins which is the leader in genetic heart condition research. You are in excellent hands.

Yes, some states are like that; but in other states (e.g. Tennessee) everyone is a mandated reporter. Here is a list of all states and who is considered a mandated reporter.

Just for others to be aware, there are some states that you are required by law to report child abuse (called mandated reporter law). Good for you for reporting it. I hope that the mother was punished and the kids are safe now.

One of my favorite courses in the area, they have worked a lot on improving it too. Congrats on the handicap and great round.

No idea, I have only had the stock and atturo tires on my car. When you saying racing tires, are you talking about DR? The road is going to be the limiting factor most of the time when looking at sticky tires.

They do get better after you get a few 1000 miles on it.

This thing is a life saver for cleaning pet hair out of carpet.

I know some people say that it will beat up the carpet, but I have been using it on our car for years and there is no wear on the carpet at all. Just brush over it lightly and it pulls it all right up.

That first breath after having the stints were removed is probably the single greatest feeling in the world. It was so much air it was painful for about 24 hours, it felt so cold like taking a deep breath in 0 degree weather. But, that being said, I wouldn't do it again if it "grows" back - recovery was miserable.


I love my Atturo az850 tires. Simpletire.com is running a 4th of July sale right now, 315s are $144 each with free shipping. That is where I got mine from, their customer service was awesome, and they are an authorized seller of Atturo.

The az850 also comes in a DR now too, but I wouldn't drive those on the street. The non-DR is already a bit slippery when it is wet, but it did get better wet condition handling after a few 1000 miles.

I had my deviated septum fixed about a year ago. It was a pretty invasive surgery. They cut the bottom of my nose, flipped it up to my forehead, and went to town cutting things away, and breaking my nose and resetting it.

I had to stay out of jiujitsu for 6 weeks post surgery but after that I was good to go and I just had to be a little careful to not get hit in the nose for a few more weeks.

If you are having the same procedure as me, you won't even think about doing jiujitsu until those 6 weeks are up, they are miserable. You'll have stints holding your nose together, gauze shoved up there because it is constantly dripping and leaking down your face (lots of fun at night).

Overall the surgery was worth it, I can finally breathe out of my nose. But they say cartilage has "memory" and can potentially grow back. I have noticed that my other nostril isn't as good as it was post surgery, but still 75% better than what it was.

Honestly the #1 reason I stopped taking it is because I couldn't orgasm and had some ED issues if I took it within a few hours of sex. After it happened a few times I realized it was the problem and started to ween myself off. I had some nasty depression and anxiety symptoms for a few weeks after stopping too. I have friends that still take it daily and I always warn them, but they have less of an addictive personalities than I do. I get hooked to stuff easily and need to be super careful.