Love this. I never got into the NECA sets because they’re so hard to store/display due to such large boxes, but this is tempting me!

I don’t know the answer to your question, but just out of curiosity do you pay to play? I’m wondering how to advanced to 5* and 6 crowns with so many S snakes already after just a week.

I know how to defeat burrowed enemies, the problem is they don’t spawn enough of them to make it physically possible to achieve the feat

Thanks for the tips, but they don’t work lol it’s like the game purposely makes it so you can’t achieve full stars most of the time

Like they want me to defeat a certain amount of an enemy, but don’t spawn enough of them to kill lol

Endless Tower Help

Working on endless tower stages and wondering if there’s a pattern to generate certain doors? For example how am I supposed to complete a stage in less than 5 levels if they don’t give me the boss door to go through within 5 levels? Also find it hard to search and destroy certain enemies (like burrow/stealth) if they aren’t showing up in the stages. Is there a trick to this to help the criteria to gain full stars?

I’m not sure if you got your answer here or if anyone knows, but the pop was designed after the original animation intro and not the actress.

Thanks - do all skill lines fuse with each elements skill lines? Or only specific ones fuse?

Well damn that’s gonna take a while opening eggs. Ok thanks!

Also if you use three snakes during a level and they’re all the same element and have 1 crown each, do they combine to 3 crowns and unlock more? Or it has to be one snake?

Gotcha, so it just takes a while to get more crowns I guess. All mine only have 1 crown thus far. What ascension level do they have to be to get a second crown?

Do they become options to upgrade when you get the choose new skill options during a level?

This is an example of what my skull tree looks like currently


How do I get the fourth skill to use? Or at the top the first fusion option that I unlocked by advancing the main chapters.

How to advance skill tree/fusion

Hey I’m a fairly new player and am looking for some help. Often times there will be a clear criteria stating “use fire/ice fusion skill” or something similar - I have unlocked those on the skill tree (I think) but don’t know what I have to do to obtain those skills? Even the main skill tree will not advance beyond the third skill so I’m wondering what I have to do to get those skills unlocked? Hopefully this is making sense. Any help is appreciated

This is a dream! I thought my collection was out of control - this gives me motivation to keep going!

There’s something special about the vintage 80’s figures. Been on a collecting spree recently. But I also have a fondness of 2012 as well!

Twitter says it will be releasing this summer and NOT today

Solo it - Sylveon with metronome attached. Fake tears turn one, then spam Draining Kiss

At the price they are now, it’s not that much of a risk or money pit to get them and store them away until you remember about them 20-30 years later at which point you can see if they rise in value.

Personally for me, I’m getting back into collecting the figures, and even the 2012 figures have about doubled in price since first release.

I’d go for it.

I feel like 2007 should be an option. But still think 90’s is the answer, with 07 second