Ohhhh now I see it! Must be beautiful to live in the plains!

Nihilism should be a concept of freedom and not a motive to end yourself though

Don't make the horizon a straight line. Add some more texture of the trees to it, makes it more realistic

Hey would you like to create a similar story between us?

I'm on it too.... Who are you? :D

You can easily do it with your stats :D

The further out you go on the sea, the darker blue it should be (damn I should be a poet)....

To give you an explanation, waves appear smaller because they are further away so you cannot see the reflection of the sky as much clear as you can see from a wave which is near you. So the further away the sea is, the darker it should be. Perhaps you can check out my last painting I posted for some inspiration (although I'm no expert in painting, note you...)

A naked costume hiding the man's genitals with easter eggs and the women's genitals with live rabbits.

I think the ends are a bit harsh, but you're on the right track

Please explain how in the hell you turned from a small bird to a lady human...!!

Wow thankyou so much!

This is exactly what I intended to receive as a comment when putting these pictures online.

Have a good day :)

It's the starwars book that completed you in my opinion