Ah yes, another "people who like things I don't like are STUPID" post

:Wes: Wes Bergmann

shitty, athletics-focused season

If I wanted to see idiot drunks scream at each other, I can just go to the townie bar down the street.

Ahh yes, it's only violent insurrection/treason when THEY do it. Fucking Christ.

Oh great, the one thing I actually agree with on the list is labelled "didn't find a reference".

You realize that makes you no better than those backwards January 6th fucks, right?

"Well this guy has been a respected voice in Mexican cuisine for decades and has numerous Michelin stars....but fuck him, he's white"

That's some top-tier racism, congratulations

Edison Park

Being an antagonistic prick isn't illegal, but it certainly can have consequences

Acts taken in the process of discharging the duties of his office. Seems pretty straightforward...if you're acting on behalf of the United States, it's an official act. If you're acting on behalf of your own interests, it's not

How the fuck does anyone have "blanket immunity"? The ruling very clearly stated only official acts confer immunity...not "whatever the fuck the president wants to do"

don’t think everyone just assumed the President would be immune if they ordered nefarious acts against their domestic political rivals

Under what fucked up logic could "eliminating political rivals" be considered an official act of the POTUS?

First off, the idea that it doesn’t change anything is an absolute lie. 

This changes nothing. All it does is codify what was already generally assumed...that the president is immune for prosecution for official actions taken while discharging the duties of his office.

That being said....we/the government need to insure that Trump isn't somehow allowed to pass off shit like "trying to overrule elections he didn't agree with" or "using campaign funds to pay off whores" as official presidential actions.

So easy too....a little butter, a little garlic, 4-5 minutes

So play a white deck? You'd think your mom would appreciate you dropping a [[Banishing Light]] on somebody's [[Dreadfeast Demon]]

If the flight attendants permitted it, I would happily switch seats with any irritated parties in order to be closer to your cat.

I wonder how many of the people thinking they can forbid someone from reclining

I'm quite tall...the existence of my legs in the seat I paid for pretty much forbids people from reclining.

Are you new here?

Anything that's not loincloth barbarians, big titty elves in chain mail bikinis and early 80's stock fantasy schlock gets everyone riled up.

If we wanted Hearthstone, we'd go play Hearthstone

If you like single player games with amazing stories...you REALLY can't go wrong with Disco Elysium for $5

But don't mind me, im just a stoner talking out of my ass.

Way ahead of you on that one buddy.

The only people who find tipping "awkward" to the point where they avoid going to restaurants are weird Reddit shut-ins who probably have the same "awkwardness" with any social interactions

Edison Park

That's exactly the kind of shit I was referring to.

Did you really just say "A business should have to survive or fail based on their own merits" and then turn around and say "A business should have to pay based what an employee needs, not what their labor generates"?

Edison Park

So this is why my face hurts. Fuck you, nature.