Spar evt op indtil renten er lavere. Med lidt held tager det kun et par år. Hvis i kan ligge 5-10k til side om måneden i meget af den til, så står i pænt der. Samtidig med endt uddannelse, og mulighed for fast rente lån, så er i lidt mere sikre.

We are seeing ads showing up, even though no campaigns and no mediation groups are setup for the ad unit.

The idea was to have the placements implemented, and then be able to show ads there when we needed to / had campaigns to run, but it seems to be misbehaving.

I can confirm having a similar issue today, with my quest3.

Thank you, we did the initial step with programming our own hard limit. Remote config is an excellent addition.

Ad units with frequency cap (1 impr / day) are being shown all the timeQuestion

We have a ad unit for app-open, which have a limit to 1 per day..
Ad unit-level: 1 impr / day
App-level: 10 impr / day
I was expecting this this to ensure that the user would only get one ad shown, per day.. when opening the app. But for some reason, this limit is not respected on iOS today.

Anyone who have seen a similar issue? As far as I know, we have not made any releases of the iOS app, between this seemingly working, and now.

And the same setup works fine on our Android app.


The pricing after August 1st is insanely bad.
See this thread for details: 

It seems that they might have done something to go below the radar for a while, but starting October 1st, we are again seeing significant changes in what we are being charged for.. despite even "hiding" the feature a bit in our app to discourage use.

Whatsapp is priced very similar to regular text messages.

1K shares, $46 average. Wallets hurting... more than most :)

It seems like a missed opportunity to not use the new light strip for this. But they might not have enough control over it.

ons that are affordable? 

Also looking at alternatives.. we are "only" live with our app in 11 countries, so I do intend to use the whitelist to set only those countries. However, not everyone will have that option.

Vi har en fælles budget konto med kort til. Så indbetaler vi det samme beløb begge to. Og bruger det kort til alle fællesudgifter. Mad, mv.

På et tidspunkt hvor indtægt var større, havde vi aftalt en forskel. Feks at hun indbetalte 15k per måned og jeg 20k. Så længe i er enige. Og løbende tilpasser det hvis jeres indtægt skifter.

Det er vigtigt i fællesøkonomi at den ikke er 100% fælles, men at man indbetaler til faste og fælles udgifter. Og at man kan spilde sine egne penge på hvad som helst.

What kind of storage are you using?


At det er Putins skyld at vi skulle af med Store Bededag. Hov vent, spin naturligvis…. Ikke løgn. Eller.

That looks like the ship in the Mad Max game (which is great!)

The persons history looks a lot like something written by an AI. Always recapping the post it responds to and way to cheerful.

Also, check their plate in the NeedToCharge app, they might be using it.


99% samme historie. Bare med brækket kraveben.

Og jo, de burde have ringet.


Politiet er aktivt blevet skåret økonomisk i gennem 10+ år, og fået at vide at de bare kunne udskrive flere fartbøder.

Det er en joke. Giv nu flere penge. Og lad politiet selv styres deres ressourcer. I dag er det jo ofte politiker der styrer prioriteter via små “pakker”, som så løber tør. Og hvor de ikke kan ansætte eller tænke langsigtet.