It's not about old and new money, it's about agricultural or industrial income base.

Damn. That's a lotta bitching for a game you don't like and that doesn't exist. Just go do something you do like instead.


Buddy. A slap is imminent bodily harm. It doesn't mean I need to be aiming to break your jaw. Why have such a strong opinion on something your wrong about? Do you just reeeeally not want it to be true?


Attempted strike is a crime, who the fuck told you an attempted but failed strike isn't a crime? Fuck, that's assault. Not only is that assault but just moving in a way that implies physical harm is assault. You don't even have to attempt it.

Texas penal code says A person commits an offense if the person:

Intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including the person's spouse;

So every time you hear a story of a cop refusing to investigate a crime like this, it was never that the cop was right and no crime was committed. It's that they are either lazy or in support of that crime being committed against that person. That's the only two reasons. Because it is, in fact, against the fucking law.


Did you miss the assault part of the story? Because it's in there. Kinda weird to say that's not a hate crime because there wasn't an assault when the story mentions an assault.

Not a power ranking. Subjective likeability ranking. I imagined the power of the stands being all over the place would make that obvious. Anyways we just started part 4 and now Joseph is in the dog house. Sub F tier if that makes you feel better lol

I was wondering if someone would pick up on that. My wife is Non Binary. Still prefers "wife" to "partner" though so I get your confusion.

This is not a power ranking. This is a subjective likeability ranking. The fact that silver chariot and cool ice are in f tier should of told you that silly billy

Not a power ranking. Maybe the fact that a stand that killed 2 members of the gang was in F should of tipped you off to that, It's a subjective stand/standuser likeability tier list

They called that it was a dirt stand when the treasure appeared. Also I love his whole vibe. Hail to yooooou

The ability to properly estimate someone is apart of your ability to fight. Chronic underestimation means you are less powerful. L and cope. Also this ain't a power ranking. It's subjective likeability

This isn't a power ranking. This was a subjective stand/stand user likeability ranking.

This is a subjective list of how much my wife liked the stand/stand user. Not a power ranking. Also the world lost. L

He's my least favorite of the main group, id put him in C personally, so I can let him go.

For some reason, Iggy wasn't on this tier list but we didn't forget him! They gave Iggy a C. Was going to be F but then the bird happened and then Iggy died. That won him back for them.

They hate his hair. They hate how stupid he is. They hate how the voice actor pronounces french words in the most unfrench way possible. They hate how he talks to women. They hate he licked a toilet. They hate the pig scene. The way that he walks, the way that he talks, the way he sneaks diss. If they catch flight, it gon be direct.