This is almost all trucks. Not many trucks out there is 8 foot beds.

Oddly enough, I've never had that thought looking at a bike. I love that more concepts make it to the road than cars.

You will eat grass when you're hungry. You wont get much from it. See the Great Potato Famine in Ireland. There are many reports of people eating grass.

They were up for an Emmy for their first episode, "33", but that is going off of memory. correct me if I am wrong.

Last cow on the left: "I knew we were good, Girlz!" *A bead of sweat appears upon thy forehead*

The internet will always give us a better option than the one MEGACORP is forcing on people.

I came here for the top comment which would be clearly historical and accurate. Didn't disappoint.

So we want to chat about our feelings rather than data and we're going to use our swamp ass to gauge it?

We are less than a month away from the Summer Solstice and you still think the weather can't trend to summer temps?

We won't talk about El Nino.

If your AC is set below 75 the problem is more likely your ass and not the weather.

The opposite happened to me about 15 years ago. Working in a remote mail room for some IT company and the power in the corporate offices went down for about to weeks due to a fatal accident in the build transformer. To maintain business flow all the top corporate guys moved into the mail room, there were about 10 cubicles we never used. Well, they didnt like or instant coffee. In one day they had a K-cup machine and 30 different variations of coffee.

The real win was they never turned off the coffee supply after they went home to their tower. I drank a lot of coffee back then.

Here's a hint,

not all guys are

into thunder thighs.

There is a reason we still use natural ports for all our shipping needs.

The trashiest game I ever bought was Pool of Radiance: the Ruins of Myth Drannor. The totally game breaking bug that this beauty had would be to wipe your C: drive if you installed in on another drive (Not C:) and then uninstalled it. It basically cleared your boot drive of any data.

The fix? YOu have to run a patch to install the game. I'm sure it isn't able to still do this. Be careful, though.

Let me just be clear. Most of you scrubs complaining about BO at Comic Con 2023 don't even know what BO smells like...

Used to work in a whole sale plate glass shop selling to glaziers in the construction industry. We always sent the kid with a,

"Ask the boss to grab the glass hammer from storage, I can't quite break this pane."

The boss would send them up to the storeroom to wait for him,

"I'll be there in a minute."

20 minutes later the boss will show up and start cussing out the kid for standing around doing nothing and once the kid mentions a glass hammer he cusses him out for being stupid just before we all start laughing our collective arses off.

good times. best part of the hiring process. Highly recommend.

We have lost the fucking plot over here!!! You're dunking on someone for writing notes, with hand writing? WTF?!?!?!

I didn't use an ad blocker until Youtube started all this BS. You played yourself Toobz

Poor elephant. Looked up in a zoo begging for treats. Had to down vote the post. There is no joy here, only torture.

Normally I would agree but the United board have fired a manager after winning the FA CUP. So maybe for this club we should be snappy about the polls for keeping the lad on.

Witness: "He barely got you."


You the side piece. Time to bail. Ain't nobody got time for a cunt like that.

Piss off with that description of libertarian. That is some simple ABC shit I just read. The headline is the only good part of the article.

Screw their feelings, they can get over the sad feelings from having their food rejected. You should be as flippant with their feelings as they are to your physical health. Your husband is the AH for not having your back.


is it spelled, "gaol", or, "jail"?