Expected It

This is a comedy bit

Idk how you even get a hot dog to look like that.

You are now aware of how big your tongue feels in your mouth and won't stop breathing manually for several uncomfortable minutes, itchy eyes.

Cheeto Puffs that have been left sitting out in a bowl for so long they become slightly chewy

This is lit. Keep as is. Add a waterbed.

Is it really them or just doppelgangers

Maybe you're just desensitized but this season has been just as The Boys as the previous seasons

I agree. I also thought about Vanessa as being Death during DP2. The way she wants to be with Wade but always just out of reach due to his healing factor. It's a great nod to the relationship in the comics without going all in on the concept. However I'd like to see them take the concept to its peak with Morena returning once again, this time not as a memory!ghost but as a true physical cosmic representation of Death. I'm holding out for this more than any other comic story arc

Expected It

He should file a restraining order on her. Domestic abuse in public is such a red flag.

Okay? And one is from a video game. What's the point of comparing?

I did not expect this to ascend into a Supa Hot Fire video

Fighter = Daredevil

Killer = Punisher

Narrator: The joke was heard by all. However, it in fact did not help.