That is what I was talking about, shutterstock, adobe, etc. thank you for the answer i will give it a try

Is it still worth to upload vectors to stock images pages?Advice

Hello to everyone, basically what the title says. Right now I will have some extra time, which I would like to spend on getting some extra cash. I like photography but where I live is quite dangerous to go around carrying a camera. So it lead me to this question, Is still worth to upload vector to pages like shutterstock, adobe, etc. If so any tip to start would help. Thank you

When I try to change the payment method it sends me again to the page where it shows the message :/ I will try sending a ticket

Currently we do not offer a payment method for your country.

I live in Latin America, I haven't logged in for a year since I had a fixed source of income, today I logged in and I found this message.

"Currently we do not offer a payment method for your country. We are working on a solution and will keep you updated. Thank you for your understanding!"

It's new or there wont be service for my country?, I never had any trouble with payment. Also is it advisable to create another account establishing my residence in another country?

Currently we do not offer a payment method for your country.

I live in Latin America, I haven't logged in for a year since I had a fixed source of income, today I logged in and I found this message.

"Currently we do not offer a payment method for your country. We are working on a solution and will keep you updated. Thank you for your understanding!"

It's new or there wont be service for my country?, I never had any trouble with payment. Also is it advisable to create another account establishing my residence in another country?

I have this feeling where I feel like I still have some power that I am not exploiting when I don't reach failure 

Yes I'm training to technical failure,  but I understood that he means to not reach failure too. I will try to do only the last set to failure which is something I used to do with good results. 

They are just bodyweight, I don't have too much focus in legs, and yes it take me about 1:15/1:30 to finish

Is my current routine too much?

I have spent about one and a half year training purely calisthenics. My main focus right now is hypertrophy and my second objective is reaching the one arm pull up. I've trained for the last 2 weeks like this

Push/Pull/Rest/Push/Pull/Rest/Rest, taking every exercise to failure for 4 sets, except for the Assisted OAPU which I do with a towel: 4 sets 4 reps for each arm. I've just started statics and I do 4 sets of max hold


Assisted OAPU

Archer PU

Pull Up

OA Row

Bicep Curl

Ring Crunch

OL Deadlift


Wall HS

Frog Stand



Pike PU


Leg Raises


I've measured a little increment in size and I'm not too tired or sore after, but I want to know if I am doing too much, or if it is advisable to change any exercise. In the Pull area I feel like Im doing too much but if I just do Assisted OAPU and Archer PU I feel like my muscles still have some strenght.

From my point of view you are kipping at the wrong time, yesterday I just saw a vídeo and it gave 8 tips. Today I did my first muscle up. I won't give the link since It may be against the politics of the subreddit but I was Made by geekclimber. Anyway the tips that I remember and helped me were: 1. Don't step right under the bar but a step back 2. Don't swing more than once 3. Grab the bar using the thumbs 4. Kip as hard as you can 5. Look at the bar when going up 6. Activate the scapula However I recomend you to check the vídeo since It was very useful to me.

Probably op is talking about having a cold shower

Somebody should get those and let people pay something + shipment you get some money I get a bike for a fraction of the price we all win.

Excuse me I don't understand, wdym by forced subliminals ?

Thank you very much I think this answers my question.

Yeah but it is because of monetization Or publicity? I'd like to know that

Why some subliminals like V1per's last less than a minute ?

Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y por hacer un post tan detallado, realmente aquí se ven muchas cosas pero personalmente no sabía que habían escalado a tanto las cosas, creí que solo habían atacado al Banco de Guayaquil a modo de represalia contra Lasso. Cuídate mucho

I'm new to photography too and this looks like a photo I have already took and frankly I think there is a mistake in composition since is not very eye catching, but as a suggestion you can crop it like this  and you can see how the diagonal lines add a lot to the composition and gives a better sense of depth


I will try it the next time it happens, thank you


It is really weird, I tried now and it works again