Wait until you see them having sex driving down the road!!!!!

I agree with you Brother !! Especially those of us with a CDL, we have to watch out for the other guy. If you are passing a truck, don’t slow down to do it.. get on around and away from the truck. I have witnessed people dying from recap coming and going thru the windshield of a car that just stayed beside a truck. It was on I-10 about 50 miles East of Gallup, Az..

I call that the NASCAR Syndrome … they think they’re Kyle Busch , and no one is supposed to be in front of them … ( really, I just call em Ass Holes)

Not all don’t want it… it’s just the select on the transit board that haven’t YET figured out how to get their cut .

Dodging in and out of traffic to get in the left lane, then a mile later, cutting across three lanes to get off at an exit they’re about to miss. Seeing a work sign saying RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD, and then staying in the right lane hoping to get in front of several vehicles…. Only to slow traffic even more trying to squeeze in at last minute. Either texting while driving, or got their phone stuck to their ear, not paying attention.. I see these incidents more than others.

Oh please… I’ve said time and time again , it’s YOUR choice and to follow your heart… you still have the option of abortion, just go where it’s legal.. I didn’t make the law… surely everyone can afford a condom… yes, they break, but at least you made an effort to avoid getting pregnant… nothing you said, up until now, had anything to do with rape, or even incest… as stated, I don’t care what you do, it’s your choice… just like a vasectomy was my choice.. bottom line is you can get your abortion, several ways, go where it’s legal, order the abortion pill on line, or have a DNC… you still have several choices… whoever laid down with you should be responsible enough to man up and help with cost.. again, do as you please. You do not have to agree it’s killing a child, you do not have to agree with anyone but yourself. Don’t expect everyone else to agree with you. If you don’t like Tennessee laws, find a state that fits your beliefs. You don’t want others forcing their opinion on you, don’t try to force your opinion on others. You made a statement I don’t agree with, I made one you don’t agree with… that doesn’t mean we have to hate on each other. I’d bet you’re a pretty good person, I believe I’m one also. I fought in two different wars to give you the right to have your own opinions, which you have every right to, but, on the other hand, so do I. I don’t wish bad things on you, and if you were under assault from anyone, if I were around, you better bet I’d try to help you. Just because we don’t agree, oh well, that’s every day life all over the world.

I got a vasectomy to keep that from happening… if you don’t want kids, tying your tubes would be pretty darn effective.

I’ll give you that… but if it were the other way around, they’d be forcing your beliefs on all of us, and that would not be fair..

Yes, I know that… but the odds of not getting pregnant using them are way better than not using them..

Women can stop that problem. Don’t lay down with a man that has to use drugs to get an erection. If you aren’t inspiration enough, he doesn’t deserve your attention.

You are most likely correct. People that preach one way, then go and the exact thing they’re preaching about are hypocrites, and I don’t agree with that. You can’t wear one face in the light, and another in the dark. The republicans & democrats that do that are the source of the problems we face today.

Or, maybe I believe in what God says about it.. when He was speaking to Jacob about his brother Esau, “ Jacob, whom I loved before I formed you in your mother’s womb “. Oh, I know I’m old fashioned, and young people for the most part don’t really believe in God’s teachings, but I’d rather go thru life believing and find out I was wrong after death, than go thru life not believing to find out I was wrong after death. To who said I don’t have the right to assume, and it’s a fetus, not a baby, and it’s not alive… What gives you the right to assume it’s not ?? You have your opinion and I have mine.. that’s just the way it is, people will disagree. I’m not putting you down for your opinions or beliefs, that’s your right and your choice. I firmly believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. You do whatever your heart tells you to do, I’d support you thinking for yourself. If abortion is something you can live with, more power to you. I couldn’t.

I personally don’t care what you do. That’s your choice. I just don’t think an innocent child should die .

That’s your right and choice.,, but don’t expect the taxpayers to foot the bill.

How about using a condom, or other means of birth control? Wouldn’t that be cheaper than an abortion… and an innocent baby wouldn’t have to die.,, call me what you want, but it seems to be the better solution.

Because Tennessee doesn’t have a state income tax.