Honestly his last match being at the same show he won his first WWE championship is kinda fitting.

I wish Katie Holmes still played Rachel.


It doesn’t matter who walks out world champ. They’ll just be keeping it warm for King Gunther. 😈



Prime Booker T definitely deserved better. I think any company would’ve done well with him in the top spot.

The fact that Brian at least got Jim to consider coming back to manage the Bloodline popped me. 😂

The promo battles between him and Heyman would be MONEY!

I mean just by looking at them you can tell Tai has survived some serious shit. Cole shouldn’t be a problem for him.

I’m a sucker for the classics, so Classic Darkseid.

I’ve been watching Sasha’s/Mercedes’ matches with Charlotte from 2016 since I missed her entire WWE run and I have to say she IS very good in the ring.

But like others have said she’s putrid on the mic. I feel like if Mercedes was as good in the mic as she was in the ring then WWE would’ve tried to keep her from leaving in the first place.

Taker giving Cena a tombstone was the cherry on top. Back then as a kid I usually got mad when people attacked Cena, but it was the Undertaker, so I figured he deserved it somehow. 😂

Hopefully it doesn’t main event RAW for the next six months.

I remember that! If I remember right John Cena and Undertaker teamed up in the main event against DX and Jeri-Show. Good times. 👌🏽

According to my older brother I watched a bit of the Attitude Era when I was a toddler, but obviously I was too young to remember.

The first time I remember getting hooked in was one of the last RAW’s of 2008. The main event was Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix vs. John Cena and Trish Stratus, who made a surprise appearance since the show was in Toronto.

The Styles Clash always looked like shit to me. Ironic considering how great AJ Styles is.

Same with The Neutralizer from Cesaro.

They’re small guys that don’t have a ton of personality. Plus giving them a shitty theme and team name didn’t help.

Naomi isn’t as good as her fans make her out to be.

While people were crying and boycotting the show for killing Glenn, I was celebrating that they didn’t back out of it lmao.

Glenn’s death is essential to the story of the comics and the show. It’s a canon event.

You’re booking yourself into a corner with the Team Gable vs. Wyatt Sicks match. Neither team should be losing.