I asked one of the mods and apparently chats you've already started with x and xxx rated bots will not disappear (aka if I started a chat with a uhhh... monster-girl before the update, that chat won't be removed)

[GOG] Thank you u/maxwellalbritten for Baldur's Gate 3GOG

Thank you a lot for gifting me the game, not much else to say. (This is a repost because the automod detected something wrong with my previous GOG posts so uhhh yeah)

Pretty sure I saw some kind of dreadnought animation in one of the recent trailers, which might mean that dreadnoughts will be playable (similar to how they did it in Space Marine 1)

TABS, Just Cause-Serien, Mad Max 2015, Generation Zero, Crusader Kings-Serien, Unravel 1 & 2, Warhammer: Vermintide 1 & 2, Warhammer 40k: Darktide, It Takes Two, Hearts of Iron-Serien, Goat Simulator 1-3, Raft och många fler utvecklades också i sverige.

[GOG] Thank you so much u/maxwellabritten for Baldur's Gate 3GOG

I really appreciate you gifting me the game and I believe I will enjoy it quite nicely, so thank you, u/maxwellalbritten.

Ifall engelska räknas antar jag att man kan också säga "Crank(ing) the Hog"

[REQUEST] [STEAM] Baldur's Gate 3 (2nd Attempt) CLOSED REQUEST

Greetings to anyone who sees this. Assuming you didn't missclick, I will assume you may want to know why I'm asking for Baldur's Gate 3.

It might be worth knowing what Baldur's Gate is, so I will do my best to describe it using my own words:

Baldur's Gate 3 is at heart, basically just DnD, but for PC, console, or whatever. The story follows your own character as they are slowly turned into monsters (I want to go into the game "blind," so I've avoided as much as possible related to the story). The game also features a multiplayer game mode, so you can play with up to four friends.

As the post says this is also my third time requesting this and I hope anyone will be generous enough to gift it to me, especially as it's on sale on steam for 47,99€.


On another topic, I suppose "we" should begin where I first learned of DnD, and honestly, I can't quite recall when that was, but I think it was when I saw one of those DnD Beyond Commercials online a few years back, and me, being somewhat curious about what the fuss was about, decided to check it out. And, upon realizing what DnD really was, I was almost instantly charmed... until I realized DnD Beyond was basically just a place to manage your character sheets and equipment, etc. And considering I'm sort of an introvert, socializing isn't my strong suit, so I think this might be a good alternative.

It might also be worth answering why I want this game, and honestly, I've always found RPG games and similar things exciting (take a look at the number of hours I've put into Skyrim, for example). The idea of exploring another world, interacting with NPC, and learning their backstory, ideals, and philosophy is just very exciting to me.

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086940/Baldurs_Gate_3/

Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198893105346/

I'm considering refunding Vermintide 2, will I keep the "exclusive" cosmetics in Darktide if I refund it?Question

So, like the title says, I'm thinking about refunding Vermintide 2. However, I want to know in advance if the cosmetics I get in Darktide for owning both games will remain? (i.e the eyes with black background aka sclera, and the veteran mustache among other things)

Reminds me of the fact that RWBY has a lot of odd names for their ships (examples being Rose Garden, Cold Steel, Bumblebee, Newspaper etc)

Possibly, but I'm not sure, haven't played Wintertide for some time.

Pretty sure that's just your bad experiences.

Would definetly enjoy a fanfiction of the primarchs and the emperor having to deal with modern day bullshit.

Pretty sure you can do it by just saving ED-E and letting him come with you to face Ulysses (he'll be in a room guarded by two sentry robots I think)

Problem with femboys is that as time goes on they'll start looking less and less feminine.