Basically, "friends" orbiting a girl I was dating and she loved the attention and reciprocated. A tale as old as time.

People like this is the reason why MC has such a bad time being approved.

If they've made it past 27, they tend to go through a whole health crisis where they quit all the drugs and have a spiritual awakening. It's pretty funny how often this happens though.

I can't imagine the marvel of engineering a ship like that must be to survive such an impact.

100% this! I basically no longer have friends in the traditional sense because of people like this. I cannot trust anyone any more.


Make sure that your will leaves only $1 to your daughter. That was she can contest it.

I would do this also. He was also present when OP get assaulted. This lawyer needs to be disbarred.

Late 30s

You're a good wife and if I've learnt one thing in my thirties is that guys start to see those imperfections more attractive than anything else. It tells a secret story; a long road travelled. I admire and adore my wife with all of those "imperfections," as it's those little things that make her so perfect.

Late 30s

She doesn't respect you and is trying to break you down. What'd other reason would be to say those things? Find a person who admires you instead of making fun of you.

All she had to do was take a couple more steps.

How does a therapist not know that relationships are like plants? If you don't take care of em they're gonna die. I would be SO offended. You need to tell her that this is a huge problem.

Nah, mate, the most expensive is $249.95. So no special at all.

Seek understanding, show kindness, and remember that your actions shape the world.