To make a little more clear because I'm not sure people are responding to you correctly, a "legal order" is an order that doesn't disobey the Canadian Forces Code of Ethics, any Geneva Conventions, etc.

Disobeying, or choosing not to follow, a legal order, will result in you being suspended / jailed until a hearing where you can plead your case, but will probably be charged with something, probably have military prison time, and you will be dishonourably discharged from the military after serving your sentence.

On the other hand if you're say, ordered to shoot a medic (who is clearly marked as a medic and is only providing aid to the enemy, and not shooting at you), that is a war crime per the Geneva Conventions and an illegal order. You can choose not to follow that order. You might still be suspended / jailed, but barring some particularly special circumstances, would never be charged with anything.

There kind of are though. You'll get pointed towards various lifepods, and those will help expand the story.

Along the way while searching for these lifepods, you'll probably find various other materials and sites that are important.

While the game doesn't directly send you from point A to point B it will help you expand on the knowledge you have and recommend where to increase the knowledge.

You kind of have to be curious in the beginning though.

I've completed both.....Below Zero is great, but a bit of a different feeling than the first (you can never get the first time experience for a game like that a second time, imo).

That being said, a friend of mine tried it and was only in the shallows and was like "what do I do now?". do you explain "go exploring"? Do what you have to do to survive? Also he didn't really seem to suffer from the psychological aspect of it as much as I was expecting. But maybe that would come later once he had played a bit more.

On the one hand, Subnautica is really old now, but on the other hand....that banner they chose is just full of spoilers.

I don't know anything about branding or doses, but my friend was always telling me about this dog he adopted that was found in Columbia City (Seattle), who was always skittish, and barking at every little thing, and not great with strangers.

One day I get invited over to his place for board games, and his dog is cuddly, friendly, amazing, super chill.

I asked him about it when I was leaving he was like "oh I drugged him"

Pretty sure it was something that has CBD in it, but yeah, there are definitely drugs you can get for dogs to help them be calm and relaxed in otherwise stressful situations.

I'm gonna collect so many flowers!

I have a Boox Page and use BookFusion and would love to see better native support!

I'm on the 3rd floor of an apartment so it's extremely rare for me to see spiders (at least vs the ground floor place I had previously, in the same area).

Any time I see one it's almost always in my bathroom for some reason, and I always run a small amount of water into my hand and drip drops of water near them in the direction they are moving.

They always stop at the edge of one and take a long drink. Super weird because you can see the water pulsate from their "drinking".

Note: these are generally what I would consider "small" spiders but they are adults (or at least teenagers :p ), not spiderlings.

I usually never see them again, as there's just no food for them in my place, and no chance of finding a mate. I imagine they carry on with their wandering and find a nicer place to live somewhere else.

Also: will I want to play this on my Steam Deck, but I only have it on one of those other platforms? ...and is the sale price worth it?

Oh lol, fair, then I too have played an immobile necro xD

I had this:  on my immobile summoner Necro this season and it felt absolutely amazing.

Whoa, 200% movespeed, nice.

immobile summoner Necro

....immobile? 200% movespeed?


No move? But why?

So look. I didn't knock myself out. But....I closed my eyes, and then I opened them and all my friends were there. Instantly. ....and someone had shit in my pants.

It was disappointing. I haven't figured out who yet. It wasn't a little, it was a lot.

My cousin did a trip around parts of China and SEA (I know he was on the mainland, but also spent some time in Hong Kong) probably ... 20 years ago now?

He told me a story about walking around the dense areas and it was essentially raining, but the weather was clear skies.

The water dripping on them was all condensation runoff from the minisplits installed everywhere.

Congrats! In my early 30s I started biking 2 days a week to work. The first few attempts were ... well...let's just say it's a good thing I didn't have any meetings in the morning (specifically planned because I didn't have meetings Tues/Thurs). Also there's a hill between my home and work so it's uphill both ways (for the first half), but also downhill both ways for the second half I guess.

I actually got pretty good at it after a while and the biking commute wasn't actually that much more than the driving commute (once you learn to time the lights you can really cut down on the time it takes). Felt great!

Then the pandemic changed everything. I put that weight back on and more. Never really picked it up again, and while I've done a bit of exercising here and there, I haven't picked up a routine.

The weather's nice again now though, so I guess in my late 30s, I get to do that same process over again! Time to start biking to work.

Senior Software Engineer 15+ YoE


People make mistakes. You're never going to write bug free code, and even if you do you'll never know exactly how it's going to interact with all the other code everyone else is writing.

In my experience (FAANG-adjacent tech, to be fair, not research, and we've always had decent funding / higher up backing for this stuff) there's almost always a cascade of several things happening which ends up causing the issue. Or sometimes it's one silly thing that got through code review which no one noticed.

You've already somewhat laid out the issues above. Now come up with a plan to fix the various areas that are lacking. Talk through it with the team. You don't have to implement every solution you come up with (or even any of them), but having a discussion around what happened and why can get people thinking about making things better for the future:

  • Enforced code coverage of unit testing - don't necessarily rely on QA discovering your issues, and it actually provides readable code utilizing the class you just implemented (those tests can be better than writing documentation in many cases).

    • If a class gets checked in with less than the required percentage of code coverage, then a PR policy fails and it can't be checked in until either: a manager approves adding it to an exception list; or: the coder implements higher coverage.
    • if you have reasonably good code coverage when you do find a bug, it should be easy to implement a failing test as proof, and then fix the bug so the test passes (a small form of Test Driven Development). Now the caller utilizing that class can't make that mistake again.
  • Enforce at least 1 approver required for every PR (and no self-approving) would mean that at least one other person looked at your code. Or maybe they rubber stamped it, but hopefully they actually care about the team having good code and want everyone to improve.

    • Also if you're having the problem of no one actually looking at your PRs when you ask them to, you get to repeatedly come to stand-up and say "Oh I'm waiting on <X> to approve my PR, please take a look when you have time." and hopefully eventually your manager will get the hint.
  • Telemetry - no one knew there was a bug for 3 months? Do you have telemetry? Do you have dashboards? Automated alerting at certain thresholds? Does anyone regularly inspect the dashboards? All of that's a lot to ask if you have nothing, but you the sooner you start flexing that muscle the sooner you'll have something.

A lot of the above unfortunately is very dependent on team culture, and it can take some time to swing people around to it. But if you want to have a team which writes good quality code, you need mechanisms in place and hurdles to jump over to enforce that.

On the bright side, in my experience, most people want to write good code and make a good product, and if you can find those people on your team and get them on your side it will be a lot easier to swing your boss around to it as well.

If they warned me, i.e. "One of your semicolons is no longer a semicolon" .... I would be okay with this.

If they didn't I'm not sure how I'd feel. Probably would depend on how long I spent on it.

My company was My Little Pony backgrounds for a while.

Then we moved to sending emails to the team distribution list with the title "I'm bring [donuts/bagels] for the team on Friday!"

Of course that stopped during the pandemic.

Now company policy is the only thing you can do to someone else's machine is lock it for them. No reading anything, changing the current application (even to go to desktop to change it), sending emails, etc. All you can do is lock it :(

I have flown SEA -> YVR (and back) before. Like you said, you barely hit cruising altitude, and iirc they only offer water/coffee service, no other drinks, as there just isn't time for them to be taking everyone's order.

What you said isn't true either. It does not line up exactly on the year.

NVDA has a Fiscal Year of February -> January. Not sure how they approach "Q1" but I suspect that means Feb, Mar, Apr?

My company has a Fiscal Year of July -> June.

This makes the quarters at least line up nicely, i.e. FY2025Q1 is CY2024Q3.

Used to own a 1991 BNR32 Nissan Skyline GT-R back in Canada (where the import laws allowed 15 year old or more vehicles).

This is accurate.

Never found a pack of goblins.

Found quite a few singles who had just finished hopping through their portal as they appeared on screen.

Also found quite a few singles when on the world map, but not running through Helltide zones or Whisper zones (which...why would you do that unless you're me picking up various waypoints and strongholds "just in case"?).

Of those I only ever found 2 of the larger bags, but many small bags.

I think I got my Necro's 925 2H Scythe with one greater affix, which was a huge upgrade from my 800-ish Scythe.

Got a motorcycle when I was 20 or so in University. My dad had been riding for years though, so I knew all about safety gear.

Always rode with a helmet, leather gloves, leather jacket, and I had some Draggin Jeans (kevlar lined jeans). At the time I didn't have boots, but eventually added those.

One time after wrenching on the bike I wanted to take it for a quick rip around the block to make sure it was good. I was gonna run inside and grab all my gear but my dad was like "eh you're just going around the block". So I only put on the gloves and helmet.

I was wearing jeans a t-shirt, and as it was getting into the evening a hoodie for the chill.

Ride was totally fine, bike ran great, no issues, made it home safe, but never, have I ever, felt so naked in my entire life.

Sadly, the hosts / other staff might find it a cool piece of history / tech, but it's a rather niche thing that unfortunately won't get very many views across a wide audience range, so they probably wouldn't actually do any sort of video on it.

You'd be better off sending it to someone like LGR who gets super enthusiastic and excited about (and makes really cool videos of) older tech.

i.e. growing up I remember we had an AdLib Multimedia Card, while most of my friends had a Soundblaster 16 or similar card. I came across his video here reviewing the AdLib Gold 1000:

I had always wondered what happened to AdLib.

I have a 2TB in my main machine, and was debating upgrading, but I just upgraded my internet to gigabit fiber with no data caps.

Previously when downloading games I could get close to the Comcast data cap, and I'd be wary about uninstalling games if if it had been a few weeks / months since I had played them, since I knew I still wanted to finish them eventually.

Now? Meh, all but the largest games can be re-downloaded fast enough.