Over the counter Fluticcasone nasal spray (Flonase) has been key for me in suppressing any little warning symptoms. Surprised how effective it’s been.

To further the logistics angle, what about shells and trailers? Many clubs use boats across teams and can’t just surrender all their equipment for 2 weeks with transit time across the country on top of it. Hard to do final prep for events when the boats are on a freeway in Missouri. (Let alone if you stay home and discover you have nothing to row for that whole period).

It's for their own good. The suffering would be inhumane otherwise.

Consulting isn't known for being less head-achey. In general, you will have multiple projects, each one with roughly the number of headaches you currently have. Add to it trying to keep both your employer happy AND each of your client companies happy.


Could be a zillion things. For starters always throw a oinv/orin.CANCELED = N in there.

Also check whether you are pulling discounts properly (line level or document level) and whether SA is including non item values (e.g. tax and freight). Probably need to narrow your query way down to the smallest number of transactions first and isolate the difference.

Nothing will be as effective as erging; it's not just a matter of heartrate x duration. The specific muscles in use demanding more bloodflow and oxygen drive your heartrate up, and in response there is capillary development etc. So "cardio" work is not fully interchangeable.

That said, if crossing into another exercise increases your overall training volume, or (just as importantly) helps you maintain sanity and motivation, then it's likely worth the slightly diminished effectiveness.

Excellent delineation. Single tear I’d say maybe opening measures of Brahms A major piano quartet. It’s not even sad, so no actual crying. Just one tear for nostalgia.

Though to the point of this thread, it’s the only work of his I can name.

Pianists know, but the information hasn’t made it out to gen pop yet.

I feel like people who know Meyerbeer are onto something and I keep meaning - and then forgetting - to get on board.

This. Also, the rollers make less noise (not that you'll be able to tell) with bodyweight on them.

Nope. I have two choices: the wet one from last night, or the dry one from the day before.

Any thought of beginning it as an upbeat to 1? The metric displacement right from the get-go is a little hard to get past.

If you’ve committed to school and have communicated with the staff, you should 1000% be asking the coaches not soliciting opinions from anonymous randoms on the internet.

Also, you are only looking at the "strain" side of the equation, not including the "recovery" side. The idea of high-volume / low-intensity training is that you derive a good amount of physiological benefit WHILE ALSO not triggering a lot of recovery need.

Said differently, you strain your body enough to make progress, but not so much that it impedes your next training session.

how so? the screenshots i've seen seem to indicate it has the exact same data points as the [free/included] PM. but in the case of this screen, you also pay a subscription to see those same values... or am I missing something substantial?

You should be able to start/stop a training activity using the Flow app on your phone, and leave it behind on the sidelines. Once you start the activity, the H10 can operate on its own.

Strange. In 4 decades, I've never once heard anyone use it as a word in its native context, or even say it out loud (in any language, not just English). You just say "the end of the doxology".

Bizarre... I don't know anything about scrabble, but I do know about Gregorian chant, and EUOUAE is not a word it's an abbreviation. It's a reduction of the vowels in the phrase "secularum amen", which is written as EUAUAE because it's short and is a quick visual indicator for the end of the doxology.

For youth singles, the entire top half of the event gets guaranteed entries; so you'll really be at the mercy of a draw if you were in the back half. But I think it's a moot point since it doesn't sound like it's the same athlete. Your club doesn't get the slot, the rower does.

He likely built this from a kit, and may not a have any particular bio as an instrument builder himself. Zuckerman sold plans and/or kits like this by the million in the 70s and 80s.