Some packages might download stuff during compile time with a build script.

But that's the same for a set.

So shouldn't it be "fo-cu" ([fõka] ? I'm neither an expert in IPA nor in French pronunciation...)?

That's an argument against using length for sets, but why not use size for arrarys?

Doesn't French typically drop the last letter when pronouncing words?

Only in non relativistic contexts. A photon has momentum, but no mass.


Theoretically you shouldn't need to ask for details, but I guess that's how it is 🙈 In any case, you definitely have to get something in written form.

Edit: What worked well for me and what I'd recommend is phrasing things in a proper way. I just said/wrote things like (not English, but just as an example) "I'm ok with paying a rent increase, but it's important for me that everything is legally sound and correct. Here are the points where I think it might be not, can we discuss this and can you provide this and this information?". In the end they ended up getting threatening and we then went on a more formal level, but I think it's very helpful to not be too negative first.

Are you sure that it's about the y-level and not about the location?

Maybe pairing a pedal with a controller is already enough (in case that's possible)? That way you'd have to relearn less.

You don't, but I think you can mark them as favourites and access them that way. That's just something I've read here though and can't test because I paid for access.

Ascension 20

A reason not to try is because preparing for the heart might make beating the rest of the game harder.

Not really, it's milled to be formed like a pick. I have actually no idea where one would buy something like that as I got it as a gift.

I very rarely play with pick anyway, but my favourite bass pick is made from stone 😃

Ah, yeah ... I should've definitely read better. The only I can see is in dialect contracting "ein" to a barely existing "n" ( so 'n Meter).

I'm just pinging you here as I'm not sure if you'll get a notification that I put some details in another comment.

I'll write in English (mostly) as OP asked in English (if needed, I'll try to find some time to look up the law as it's surprisingly understandablely written). Also general "I'm a layman so no legal advice, yada yada yada...".

  • for all rent increases there has to be a reason that is specified
  • that reason might be just "Anhebung zur ortsüblichen Vergleichsmiete"
  • this "Vergleichsmiete" is the Mietspiegel
  • rents are actually allowed to be above it (although not that much as afaik there is still a Mietpreisbremse in Karlsruhe)
  • but only up to a certain limit (I don't remember numbers), above that you theoretically can even enforce a reduction
  • but a generic rent increase is not allowed to be above this limit
  • another case are renovations, there different rules apply
  • but also there a reason needs to be specified and if I remember correctly even a calculation

So in total: read carefully why they are increasing the rent. And about the specific questions in the Mietspiegel I cannot say anything without more details.

Additionally: If you know German, look up the paragraphs. It will take a while, but most parts are worded quite clearly.

There were a few cheated runs on the last campaign (before they got deleted). The car basically went faster than it's supposed to go.

It's not the correct labeling, but I always think of the difference between это and этот/эта/это as the same as the difference between adverbs and adjectives.

Error highlighting and linting are typically different things. Errors you get by parsing the compiler output and linting is something that's done statistically without running or compiling the code.

In German, both are fine. You can both say "1 70" (eins siebzig) or "1 Meter 70" (ein Meter siebzig).

I'm busy right now, but remind me in a dm later, I did loads of research last year because of my own rent. Maybe we could arrange a Zoom call or something like this next week if you want, that stuff is sadly a bit too complicated to type out in a Reddit comment.

You can definitely have a preference and I can see someone just liking induction because it feels very elegant to them.