I'm just angry at the people who call mk1 "the worst mk ever" because it doesn't have 3 gear slot or intros/outros or crushing blow.

It's okay to like mk11 or even prefer it to mk1.I didn't call anyone who like mk11 a lesser fan.

That's fair.I like mk11 too don't get me wrong.Played it around 400 hours from what i remember.Mk1 is close to 370 right now.

Mk fans who play a fighthing game for the gameplay hated mk11.

But all the casuals who doesn't like fighting games loved mk11 because you could grind for skins,gears,intros and outros for hours.

Now mk1 focused on gameplay again and all the casuals hate it.

Of course the game has problems like bugs and the fact that it's still unfinished but it doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.

Mk11 was a disaster for this franchise.The community wasn't this annoying and loud before that game.

They released the game for sale as soon as they revealed it.How is it not because of bad marketing ? They literally made it really hard for the non-fans find out about the game.And the game was received badly because it was a rushed live service mess that was worse than the previous games.

As for the 3d action game,there is a video made by ign on youtube that explains everything.


Idk why you're upvoted for lying/giving misinformation while i'm downvoted.

They think the kameo characters would be in the main roster if there wasn't a kameo system.Which is wrong,they wouldn't be in the game at all.

3rd person action game was killed because ea told them to cancel it and start making a new Star wars game which was also cancelled later.

The first two shooters were succesful.If it wasn't they wouldn't make a 3'rd one.And they fucked that up because they gave them no budget and zero marketing forced them to make a live service because all ea games were live service at that point.

And when that game failed they shut down the Popcap vancouver and either laid off the devs or transfared them to the games like Apex legends.

That may be true on the main series but ea is the one that killed the Shooter series and that 3rd person action game.

Let's not forget how they destroyed the Pvz shooters and Pvz as a whole.

They were clearly mocking the AK suit because it was "behind the time".

Did you watch the scene where they were changing costumes for the first time ?

She was still obsessed with Joker in AK and he was dead at that time.This is a bad retcon and she a completely different character now.

She didn't care before for 3 games why does she do now.

The game is anything but boots on the ground.This is a weak argument.

They made fun of it in the story because it was "too sexy" so i think it's the latter.

There is a living towers in Mk1 too.It's in the Gateway mesa.It basically functions the same.

Only difference in living towers is modifiers and that's in mk1 too.

I never said MK1 was the worst MK.

I know you didn't but i saw tons of people did.

There is a story mode in every AAA fighting game now cmon. There is no reason to play living tower unless you want some exclusive banners and they were in every mk since the first one so you can't just not add them in.

And i didn't deny mk1 lacks single player content but that doesn't make it the "worst mk game ever".

Plus we know there are still tons of things they will add to the game like mercies,new finishers,possibly a tag team mode ? and new modes to the invasion thanks to the datamines.

I know it's lame they are not here at launch but what can you do.

The krypt where only thing you can do is walk in a straight line and unlock concept art and some few skins does not pass as a good single player content to me.

Oh and there are test your luck/might modes you will play with your friend for a few times and never touch again.

Many casuals hate Kameos for dumb reasons and say the game has no content then say mkx is the best mk ever even tho it also doesn't have any single player content.

I'm not saying the game doesn't have any valid problems.

There are so many bugs and it's still missing online content that were in mk11 since launch.

The animation's are not that bad this time around either.I know there was some atrocious ones in mkx and mk11 but only bad and stiff animations i can think of in mk1 are from Johnny,Pissmaker and Homelander.

This is the definition of safe horny.

They were using the skins from story mode for Invasion content since launch.But there is not much more left to add so i think they're gonna do a Part 2 for invasions when the Story expansion releases.

But that's just my theory.

And we know they are planning some events and online modes for invasions since they were datamined.