It could be for a specific reason, or it could be they had to re-enter reverse mountain and thus lead them to drum. Where they just pillage the place cause why not.

So is the 5 Elders powers almost certainly not a direct DF power they? Since warcury and mars had no qualms fighting over the ocean....luffy could have even launched Mars deep underwater. But that would make it super obvious they haven't eaten DF

It may not he about being funny anymore. Maybe its just an easy way to show luffy g5 affecting others, passively.

Jane Main

They shouldn't be allowed in special game modes/events.


I sold him to get diggs for this season. Win now mode

Jane Main

Ill just get her perks in the shrine. She is cool but not cool enough for real money

U got at least a day or two. Just be patient. It won't change anything knowing now.

Jane Main

Idc either way. I mostly ignore trix a confirmed her?

I think in this case. I think they are saying we are the man in orange, watching and tearing up.

Yea. How i feel, you asked for a trash product, paid for a trash installer, you get the "lawn" you deserve

Idk why your wife thinks chicago ie reason it would be rough on him...does she forget about Obama who is from Chicago and black? Pritzker would be in hot water because he hasnt been preparing for the presidency. He shouldn't run this year, and i doubt he will.

Jane Main

Maybe space guns look like nail guns, ever think of that mr. Smarty pants? /s

He gonna be our last "young" president...isn't he? Lol

Jane Main

That isn't what was said. They were guessing their avg over all the killers.

Jane Main

They probably body block with OTR, since they claim it doesn't buy much time lol