Im not a fan of the girthier hilts, it look like they can barely hold them at times, clearly this is to try and make a more functional lightsaber to use while filming, but you could also call it an artistic choice just like rebels has super thin blades.

If the kryat was once a week, the fun would have lasted much longer, it was interesting in its mechanics.

I have grown tired of the Star Wars shows. I want movies again. I want to be able to sit down for 2-3 hours and have a complete story. 20-25 minutes for a broken up part of a story just isn’t enough time to get invested.

Anyone else tired of these posts moving through every single subreddit?

I think it’s slightly easier to tell the difference in the color patterns now between the 501st

That’s a little surprising to hear, you would think that professional would be a little rocky.

That’s honestly all that is need in some circumstances

Starck isn’t bad under veers, Gideon is better most of the time, sometimes Gideon can be other places too where starck will help the tm train just as much

I rewatched this very recently, and decided the first 2 seasons were great, then the story lines changed so much from 3 to 4 to 5. Like erasing a MC from the timeline to bring him back. You start to feel like the characters you are watching are not the same ones you started with. And by the time they go into the future for 5, they all feel like different versions on themselves.

They should have ended with a better season 3 where Frank gets everything he sowed, and loses everything.

Is the Old Republic considered legends? The game is still active, and I thought they canonized Revan. I know the 2 are different time periods.

This is probably true, or at least played some parts in the cancellation and reforming to siege. I want a classic Rainbow 6 game again. Vegas and Vegas 2 were so pure

Remember the gator that got your hand? Well I got his head!

It’s actually bull piss not horse shit.

You generally need money to put down on a car, so that can be a small amount of money and then a loan for the rest with the budget being about $20k

Fallout 3 had Lincoln’s repeater, once I got that, all other guns became useless

Those are bought for guild tokens though not raid currency

You bought a controller for PC without any forethought into what you want to use the controller for?

The Incom T65 X-wing. The fighter that destroyed the Death Star

If I’m know it’s going to be close for that first turn, I’ll throw in Thrawn to the extra speed on Vader, but really any 1 or 2 empire/Sith will work