Shion :Shion:

That motherf#cker

Civilization and structure update

-makes structures more common -Ruined castles -Dungeons will be like mini trail chamber but with multiple spawners. -castles -pillager outpost -guards -archers -spears All structures will be more common and made bigger.

Plot Twist: they're siblings separated from birth.

Old age kicking in there

INFO: who is missus your wife? NTA, you were there for BBQ not family drama and why is missus ignoring the fact she had an affair and lied about it, it is very immoral thing to do, some verbal insult is nothing to an affair. And you have no moral or legal obligation to intervine maybe if he got phyisical but it seems all verbal.

Based on leaks it is around 90mins

I see no problem, they are doing business with civillians.

I'd say this render is fake it seems like someone pasted s24 ultra camera setup on s24 plus. But the slightly rounded corners is true because people complained about s24 ultra sharp edges, based on ice universe it looks more like a note 7 which is a more boxy design than this. And not to mention the camera design is set to change in s25 series there is a Rumored squarecle design.

But the fact is, it was all just fancy rock paper scissors.

It's not, in Rock paper scissors there is absolute winning and losing in this case there is no definite answer, Like what Nasu said in an interview 99% of the time in Fsn Gil was supposed to come on top but it'd be boring as a story for a antagonist to win.

I know Rimuru is OP but I am unaware if he has any adapting skills, since we are scaling by adapting to rather than being just plain OP i'd say Garou, His cosmic fear form is literall embodiment of adapting to everything.

I don't think the manga is ending, because there are alot of questions that aren't answered, Kaiju no 9 seems like surface level inteligent boss to me rather than final arc level boss.

Ufotable animation, wouldn't have known about it otherwise

If there is one thing both Republicans and Democrats agree on is is to keep competition away.

Sukuna's finger- you have to be genetically related to have a chance of being possesed by Sukuna or you must be an anomaly, there are hell tons of problems that comes with body possesions

DragonBalls- probably the best option here you can wish for anything and Shenron can now grant 3 wishes

Death Note- the 2nd best option you can kill anybody you want but you'll end up as a senile mass murderer

The titan serum will just turn you into a mindless titan

I'll go with dragon balls

Wouldn't that mean Fate stay night remake would have a different story compared to the original VN

It's the same as those zodiac sign believers they seek oustide validation on their personality to fit into society.

ESH, First you are an ah for even cheating there is no reasonable justification for your adultery even if there was something you hated about the relationship or her you could have left if it was a dealbreaker you had no right to cheat because you willingly gave that right away when you agreed to be married no you gave that right away when you and her became exclusive.

Next Revenge affair to an affair is IMO agreeable but only if you are planning to leave (only if your spouse cheated) but in this case she doesn't want to leave so it doesn't make any sense to have an srcret revenge affiar if you are planning to stay. You have both became untruthful and untrustworthy.

You should have communicated with your wife if you felt that you were lacking something in the marriage rather than cheating. If it didn't change then if it was a dealbreaker you should have left.

You aren't obligated to raise her affair baby in any way. You guys are incompatible and vile people.