When I was raising my first GSD, a lot of people in other support groups told me to have my pup tethered to me at all times. He’s always an arm length away. Watch him at all times. When he needs to pee, pick him up take him outside to the same spot, and give him a command (like pee, potty, whatever you want to use. I use “tinkle”). After he finishes, you overly praise him. (Good boy! Good tinkle!) Give him treats. Make a party out of it. If he pees in the house, pick him up and take him outside, give him the command. (Don’t forget to clean those pee spots up with enzyme cleaners. Gotta get that smell out. Or your pup will keep peeing there.) Some dogs are really fast learners. Some take a little longer. My current dog is now 6.5 years old. When I give him the command to pee, he immediately looks for a tree, pole, whatever. He can pee (and poop) pretty much on command. I know the urge to get mad at him when he messes up. They can’t help it. They’re still young and learning. Peeing in the house is part of the process of owning a dog. Once you accept that, it’s half the battle. Btw, you’re also teaching a puppy…human rules. They’ll eventually learn it. You just have to put in the time and work to get them to it. Hope that helps a little.

Keeping a strict schedule. He knows when it’s time to poop, eat, get treats, exercise/play, sleep/nap, etc. His body clock is more accurate than any alarm that I set. There are days when we vary the schedule, but he’s happy with routine. Not only does he know, it’s easy on me too.

I have and have had Working Line German Shepherds. They’re high energy, high drive dogs. The ones I’ve had, love to play fetch. When it was raining and they were young, we played fetch indoors down the long hallway. Wore the pups out. Same with when I’m sick…take them out quickly to do their business and right back into bed. When I feel up to it, I play some fetch. The dogs will adjust. Now, when I’m sick in bed, they just nap all day. And for a half hour or so, I throw the ball from the bed. They’re dogs. They adapt and adjust. You’ll be fine.

My assumption was that taking the pill would bring me back to when I was 18, decades ago. 18 when I was actually 18. Not 18 now. If it was 18 now…I wouldn’t take the pill then.

Sure, but that’s not what this post is about. The question was…”if you could take a pill to instantly become 18 again would you take it?”

Don’t worry. I made the same guess. I live in the DC area. Only thing DIA refers to around here is Defense Intelligence Agency.

Knew he wouldn’t come here. Why would anyone come to a sinking ship that is the Penguins right now? Drew’s not our answer on the first line. He’s not going to replace the 30-40 goals that we lost from Guentzel. We don’t have the money and we don’t have any hope of making the playoffs with what we have right now unless EK, Raks, Tang, Geno return to scoring like in their prime. These are 4 big asks. You can’t trade away (or let go of) players like Kessel, Neal, and Guentzel who put up big numbers and expect us to win games. Where are those goals coming from? Drew?! Come on man. Let’s be real. Unless we find a decent shooter, we ain’t making the playoffs again with this core.

While we’re at it….can we bring Malkin’s parents and wife and kid up for the whole season please?

Exactly. What’s the point of committing the same mistakes again and having your life turn out the exact same broken way.

I used to travel a lot with my cousin and also my best friend (separately). They both snore. They can fall asleep within mins. It takes me a while. And I’m a light sleeper too. So I found that I did it long enough that I got used to it. And also I used noise cancelling earbuds. That helped.

If you can afford 2 separate rooms, by all means get separate rooms. If you can’t, buck up, buttercup.

I’ve experienced it all including an overbooked flight where I found someone in my seat. Come to find out that the flight was overbooked and we had the same seat assignment. And because I boarded second and he was already seated, he got to keep the seat. He kept saying, “sorry buddy, I’m already in my seat.” But the best part was the flight was full…except for some FC seats. I lucked out. I gave him a smile when I walked to the front of the plane. Sometimes it pays to board later. This was decades ago.

Another time…long story short, the guy had the same seat but he got on the wrong flight. Idk how that happens.

I thought we just had a post about keeping politics out of this sub and here we are…

Take it from this 54yo…take your health seriously. Eat healthier. Exercise. Cut out the sugars. Decades of eating and drinking whatever I wanted has finally caught up to me. Last year I found myself in the emergency room. Long story short, I found out that I’ve got a bunch of things that could’ve been controlled if I ate and drank better…at the least.

In your spare time, don’t sit there playing video games or watching tv for hours. You’re just wasting your life, doing nothing to better yourself. Pick up a book and learn about investing. Or get your real estate license. Or take a cooking class. Or automotive repair class. Or whatever. Just do something that will improve your life. Think long term, not what will satiate your short term wants.

I’m going on my 1st cruise in exactly a month. I’ve had no interest in going on cruises. This year, a number of factors made it possible. 1) I haven’t left town since the lockdowns…so about 4.5 years now. That’s the longest by far that I haven’t traveled somewhere. So I’m getting really antsy. 2) this is an Alaskan cruise. It will be nice to see somewhere that I probably will never go to again. Just from the pictures, it just looks gorgeous out there. Not to mention…the whales. I wanna see whales. 3) it’s kind of a family reunion kind of trip. A bunch of aunts and cousins that I’ve seen a handful of times in my life. It’ll be nice to connect and reconnect with them.

I’ve always thought that cruises are for old people and that it would be a waste of money. But the closer we’re getting to the trip, the more excited I am getting. Will it be way overpriced? Most definitely. I can guarantee that I’m gonna find the shows lame. But I’m not there to see the shows or to eat or to shop. I’m there to see Alaska. The shows are there to waste time when we’re traveling. You just have to be open minded. How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never done it? Give it a shot. Be open minded. And enjoy the time with your wife.

I get it. I’m Asian. I’ve been getting the “where are you from”questions all my life. I always say, “what do you mean? I’m American.” They counter with, “no, where are you from? What country are you from?” And I say “from the US”. And it goes on and on. Yeah these questions are annoying because they wouldn’t ask a white person that.


No. Ban politics. Can we have 1 sub in all of Reddit that doesn’t devolve into politics please? If you wanna talk about it, there are thousands of other subs that allow it.

Btw so called “indigenous tribes” came from somewhere too.

That’s just normal talk. It could mean what part of the area you’re from like if you live in NY, are you from Long Island, Manhattan, or West Chester?

Because my parents did it the right way, which is to apply and wait in line like a normal person would. How is it fair that they had to do it the right way and then others can just walk across the border??!! That is why my parents are so vehemently anti-illegal immigration.

My previous one was so easy. I trained him to lie on his side while I went through each nail. I tried that with this current one. No chance. He’s had his nails cut once and that was at the emergency vet’s office when one of his nails which was an inch long like a Raptor claw got yanked off while playing. So I told them to cut all his nails since he had to be knocked out for the X-rays.