Why did you care?

If you like the story/character, get the tattoo.

That's actually pretty calm compared to how I've seen some puppies eat.

That's a look of quiet love and satisfaction.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

Yeah, that's what looks like happened.

Giphy is saying they don't know what went wrong, but I should make a new account and re-apply for creator status and I would be approved again in about a week. Maybe that's what I'll have to do.

Don't know why they can't just re-approve this account, but they gave some weird reason about "all decisions are final" but at the same time say I will be approved again with a new account. It's kind of bizarre, and even more bizarre that they can't explain why I lost the status in the first place.

A little less bend and a little more snap.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

The giphy page is still there:


For whatever reason, the gifs are no longer appearing when you search on social media. I'm talking to giphy support about it and we're trying to figure out what's going on.

Hopefully I'll have a solution before too long.



In the previous game, a pitcher from Colorado had hit one of the San Diego players in the ribs hard enough that it sent him to the disabled list. Then in this game both teams took turns hitting players from the other team until this incident caused Arenado to snap.

Here's the game recap:


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

  • Mike Tyson

"Everything you think you might do goes right out the window when there’s a bear in your sun room."

Same sentiment, slightly different wording, both 100% true.

It usually gets re-installed when Windows updates.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

If they sign him, they must have a deal for Diaz lined up already.

No way does the team need so many LW players.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

I didn't even notice until you said something.

Yeah, I have no idea. I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out.

Those captions are like a dirty version of Benny Lava.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

Is it safe to say that Tip2Vote has been a disaster by now?

I wasn't against the proposal, but I've found it to be pretty clunky and annoying in practice.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

A lot of cheaters and manipulators got found out, and they dumped their bags and left as a result.

This created negative price action, which made other people give up.

Tip2Vote has been a very clunky implementation and has turned a lot of people off. I didn't think I would mind it so much, but it's pretty annoying. Seems like overkill for what should have been a simple problem to fix.

Finally, many on here don't see any hope for the future. Where are the catalysts going to come from that are going to pump DONUTS? The move to Sushi/Arbitrum didn't matter, the Reddit IPO didn't matter, various social media outreach didn't matter, so what's going to reverse this negative momentum? Where are the new users going to come from?

I used to be a passionate Bronut, but after all that has happened in the past few months, even I have to admit it's hard to stay passionate about this project. I just don't see many bright things happening in the future.

Oh, and the crypto market in general has been crabbing, and a lot of people are getting frustrated when they expected the parabolic bull run to have started by now.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

Well, the daily seems to get about 20 upvotes each day, so...

About 20.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

I hope you're right, but it really feels like DONUT has lost the momentum it had earlier this year, and I'm just not seeing where it's going to find it again.

Back around the middle of March, I felt confident DONUT had established a new support level at .02, but nope, it not only tumbled below that, but it can't even hold a .01 support level. Almost all the gains DONUT made this year have been completely wiped out.

I like your suggestions, but I'm still not sure it's going to move the needle much.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0

And how are either of those going to happen?

All I've seen for the past month is users leaving and whales dumping their bags.

What's going to reverse the trend?

Doctor: I have good news and bad news.

Patient: What's the good news?

Doctor: They're gonna name a disease after you.

:donut: 58.9K | ⚖️ 0


If you're depending on Trump getting elected to start your bull run, you need to re-think your investments.