:EGYP: :NETH: Egypt / Netherlands

nah man, look closer, no way it's Suriname or Thailand. Thailand is totally off with the colours, and the emblem stretches across the white Lines on top like the Kenyan. It's clearly Kenyan colours, the Kenyan emblem, and so the Kenyan flag.

you can just say African women, saying females sounds so weird

never heard of spooning before?

Only anglophone church I know of in Groningen is the Vineyard, but it's an evangelical church, not quite the same as mass

I recommend having notifications from r/anime_titties it's unironically my favourite quick, well moderated source of news

I didn't notice at first, because I had my phone on night mode


command of this language is also correct

:angor: Angor

featuring Shaymin as Collin the Caterpillar at home

bit outdated, Poland is no longer a pathetic international joke, but the up and coming powerhouse of the EU. Only in Polandball lore does it still have that vibe

you can just dim your screen, on a phone it looks a lot prettier in night mode

isn't black hair unironically just very dark brown?

Constructivist (everything is like a social construct bro))


I love how the Saudi flag in the second panel says Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ Ω…ΩŠΨͺ (god is dead) and then just has a pacman, very based

i like to imagine it's the deku tree and the tree from Kirby having a conversation

Constructivist (everything is like a social construct bro))

excuse my piss poor reading comprehension

Constructivist (everything is like a social construct bro))

wait, was the economist behind the Truss cabbage?

Edit: it was a Liz lettuce, as per Wikipedia, and it was livestreamed by the Daily Mail, after the Economist compared her to one.

My guy, Deepl doesn't have the languages of any of these countries

odds are if the British Museum were to take it, it'd disappear into some backroom never to be seen again

I mean when it comes to cursive Cyrillic I think it's definitely an issue haha

The reason why I said Cyrillic and not Russian, was because I didn't want to assume the language things were written in. For all I knew the comments coulda been any other Slavic language.

Sidenote, I do have what you're talking about with Hebrew actually. I speak Arabic and there's a lot of Hebrew words in common, but I can't read the script

what's the gist of the comments? I can't read Cyrillic

hand puppet is a classic phrase by this point, surprised anyone would be phased by it

:region_int: Multinational

No it's a bit more complicated than suing them in their home country. International human rights law is primarily between states, the ICCPR would require Kenya taking the UK to the ICJ. Where the UK would have to consent to going to the ICJ, which it would never do. So you're right about that first bit, even if not for the right reason.

As for the second, under the ECHR (European Convention of Human Rights), states don't need to consent in order to be judged, they consent by default by being party to the treaty. The Al Skeini vs UK case was some Iraqi individuals (led by Al Skeini) taking the UK to the European Court of Human Rights, for violating its human rights obligations. The Court found that the UK had effective control in Iraq and therefore jurisdiction and the obligation to uphold human rights.