That mesh lid is slightly bouncy! It's fun!

The way he instantly became her baby again when she hugs him. Oh my heart. I know how terrifying this must be for him. Even when you know you're parents are gonna react nice it's still hard.

Alright fine, then. I'll stop using it. I was following the advice of my vet but apparently he was wrong. I apologize for offending many in this sub. I am glad people have told me my mistake and I'm glad to get rid of it if it means happy ratties. I've have edited all my comments to reflect this so no one else is misinformed!

Weirdly, the only thing I object to here is the bun

Does this feel vaguely sexual to anyone else? Like the hand movements, the fancy outfit..?

So what I am hearing is I should buy mine a lamb chop....or five one for each

Yea I've got the parts you're talking about. It was just so much to add in to one picture LOL

That is perfect resource!!! Thank you bunches

I'm sorry it was not a joke. I was just asking about the model if Bernina was actually the brand and with that big attachment which I have now learned is an embroidery attachment, was. Of course I know that it's a sewing machine. I just didn't know what the attachments were or if it was a good one or anything. The community here has been very lovely and helpful and educating me on exactly what I can do to Google and figure out more about this machine


Like I said, you have to use an extremely thin layer so that when you Pat it absolutely nothing comes up into the air. I've been using it for over 10 years now and I've never had a single rat have any kind of respiratory issue so I'm pretty confident that there is no harm. Although if somebody does have any studies that could prove me wrong. I am all ears I only want the best for these little idiots!

Edit: as many have said: don't use it. I was told wrong by a vet and have learned.

diatomaceous earth! Little farmers trick to keep odor down so long as used correctly to avoid irritation.

Edit: as many have said: don't use it. I was told wrong by a vet and have learned

It is diatomaceous earth. I use it to keep the odor down on those plastic bits as the pee can't really soak in to it and instead just sits on top. With the powder, the urine is soaked up into the powder and makes it much easier to clean and keeps the smell down. Most people use it for chickens, but it works really well on rats if you know how to use it correctly to avoid any irritation.

Edit: as many have said: don't use it. I was told wrong by a vet and have learned

Oh gosh it does kinda sound like she died doesn't it! My Grammy is still here but unfortunately she does have severe dementia and has forgotten how to craft. It is quite sad to see how somebody who spent her entire life making and creating now can't even remember how to thread sewing needle. I still come over and visit and bring all of our crochet gear and I reteach her how to crochet every single time. We do love our grammies they keep our love of the arts going!

SERIOUSLY!! This is what he has been doing. I kept wondering how little rat poops were getting out and about everywhere and how one time he took clothes!!

I'm so sorry for your little one. I've fixed the cage so that there's absolutely no way he can get through anymore by putting some hard ware wire up.


That is diatomaceous earth it's a kind of powder that really is harmless to rats and I use it on the panel parts of their cage because it soaks up ammonia smell. You got to be careful and use an extremely thin layer because as it is a powder it can get in their lungs, eyes, or noses. You should have a thin enough layer that the powder and dust doesn't fly up the in the air if you Pat it. My vet recommended to me a couple years back because my rats had lice. I used it as a secondary treatment to the other ivermectin he had given me. I found that it worked so well at keeping odors down.

Edit: as many have said: don't use it. I was told wrong by a vet and have learned

Technically it's a ferret cage. It was my ferrets old cage, but since I upgraded the ferrets I decided to use it for my rats.

I guess in my part of town hardwire and chicken wire are the same thing! That is what I'm using. I've also soldered down the edges so they won't get hurt at all but sharps. Thanks for the tips!

I've already made it so he can't get through the bars, chicken wire, and am looking for another cage. This vid can serve as a warning so show others that rats are weirdly fluid like and you have to be careful

Since I know how he does it now, my temp solution is I've put up chicken wire around the entire cage. It looks hideous but so far he hasn't gotten out again.

They're an inch apart. I thought for sure he couldn't be fitting through the bars and was somehow opening a door but nope.

Honestly tho true. I've been googling ones with half inch bars instead of inch bars