i have looked in comment sections of many bots and so many contain people just like the dork in this post. how are people so dumb, at least take a glance at the tags or description!

i once put it at max temp and it just started having a stroke, random gibberish and letters from different alphabets. just a bit of a warning. it also wouldn’t stop typing, freaked me out a bit lol

bnuuy :]

love the recognizability with the species, good structure

have you adjusted the temperature? it can be pretty finicky but for me it’s just compensating enough to be able to not feel so watched and cautious over what i write.

so far mine is still being semi reasonable (knock on wood pls no jinxing) but i know with the whole pang constantly being repeated i got that later than other folks. so i’m just really worried for when the big ban(tm) does come for me because i have a beloved super long chat i’ve put a lot of effort into with a bot that involves a bit of bodyhorror and medical stuff where i’m trying to help him recover from having armor fused to his skin, with burns and infections from a kind of evil magic.

c ai is going to make it so he can never be saved/freed and that just makes me sad to consider

grey blue? you mean just grey or the pastel blue? unless i’m out of the loop on new colors which is very viable as i haven’t been on the site in ages

i only have around 240 in the album i started this year :/

press b, i guess

chicken alfredo noodles, or stirfry made an extremely specific way i don’t feel like laying it out

mainly the alfredo noodles cuz it’s a lot easier to make and plan for

sounds interesting, link?

honestly yes, they’re all very unique and lovable

imagine seeing this in the game, giving pokemon horror or experimentation vibes (kinda similar to the eevee who could evolve between the three og eeveelutions freely)

made me have a thought of if you set a leafeon too badly on fire, fluff would poof from the leaves on its head neck and tail like popcorn or cattails and would crisp the ear and leg leafs to a normal shape, and the heat would turn it red. that’s how you re-evolve to flareon

honestly try not to chat w the Link at the bottom cuz he gets rude quickly, but i do succumb to the catharsis of arguing pointlessly with goofy aah ai

nah he’s going back and forth on both, imagining being in a polycule/throuple

is that leaf? also awe :,) flareon deserves the love, i like how so many people here like it

yeah it seems so, i wonder how it’ll be unlocked. imma try to on my own, but honestly i suck at that

leafeon right after became completely bald.