I had a dream while I was under, was a bad one which made it worse so when I came back round I actually had a panic attack! Was awful!

Also my ears are really blocked I dunno if it’s connected.

They got an anonymous report he was working and the person said he was getting paid. We have a feeling we know who as at the same time we got reported to social services which was seen to be a malicious call but the dates match as when the person reported both.

How long does it usually take to find out the exact outcome?

Just random jobs they had here and there. Different houses and stuff.

Compliance interviewUniversal Credit (UC)

Partner had a compliance interview over the phone today. Completely took him by suprise as he wasn’t expecting it. He already suffers anxiety and it really threw him so he was nervous answering questions. Basically last year from September- December on and off he helped out a friend at work. He wasn’t paid as he was just helping out a friend but his friend would help him in other ways (food, lifts when he needed them to take his kid home, cigarettes etc). It wasn’t declared as to him it wasn’t work just helping out a friend. Friend helps you back kind of thing. Thing is the interviewer man didn’t sound like he believed him as he was taking a while to answer. Our claim is joint and my partner doesn’t even have a bank account. As far as I know no money went through in cash either. The interviewer said he doubted it would go any further but in future any paid or unpaid work would need to be reported. How long did it take for people to know the actual decision? I suffer with my mental health myself we have kids and I don’t want either of us to get a prison sentence or something if they take it further. I’m terrified. Has anyone been through similar? What was the outcome especially on a joint claim?

I’ve always had an escapism, I’ve suffered with addiction to many habits in the past. My first refusal was all on lies, mainly assessment based so I’m glad I didn’t have to go through it again.

I can’t drink anymore as I abused alcohol as escapism so I have to be careful. I only got my support worker because I had as I’m very much the same with low trust. My claim is based solely on mental health and autism. I actually applied a few years ago and got refused and never tried again. It was only because my little one I tried again.

My support worker did it and after speaking to them they decided not to. I would’ve struggled in an assessment and on the phone.

I didn’t have an assessment if that makes a difference to time taken. I also did my application online rather than paper based.

Recieved message to say report recieved on the 7th November, recieved text to say awarded today.

Received my report and got a text…Personal Independence Payment

I received my report through and I may be reading it wrong but I believe I scored the points for enhanced daily living and enhanced mobility. I also received a text to say I’ve been awarded pip the same day as I received the report (today). Is it likely that this is what I’ve been awarded or could it have been changed by decision maker? How long did it take for people to receive the actual decision after the text? Would they tell me on the phone?

Missed callPersonal Independence Payment

Hi me again🤦‍♀️ The whole process is making me very anxious. I called this morning requesting my written report and they told me the decision maker had it and was making their decision but they could print it and send it for me. Fast forward to this afternoon I missed a call from the decision maker. What would they be calling for? Back story for if you’ve not seen my other posts… I haven’t had a telephone or face to face assessment. They’ve spoke to my support workers though.


I received this, this morning so I’m assuming I’m definitely not having an assessment? Or could this mean I’m still having one but won’t know until they’ve made a decision?

Time length?Personal Independence Payment

My support worker recieved a call from the pip assessor who’s fairly sure I won’t be asked to do an assessment. Any idea on how long it will be to get my decision?