9-5 is the most limiting.. for people that work and have money. The people that can shop are OAPs, unemployed and some night workers - not really the target audience if you're in the business of selling stuff 

Singing, chanting, dancing, booing, cheering: This is great

Constant droning whistling when nothing is happening: This sucks

This crowd is making me want to support Austria, the whistling is so obnoxious.

Netherlands fan here - fully agreed. Absolutely stupid behaviour that should be sorted out upon video review.

Not for the high end stuff that Waitrose sells but for the day to day items - fruit, veg, meat, etc.

Yeah seeing these dudes on bikes in masks and coats in 20+ degree weather is just baffling. When it's more than 10 degrees I'm cycling in shorts because you get warm so quickly if you do anything more than a walking pace.

Anyone foolish enough to boycott McDonalds over what's happening in the Middle East instead of their poor quality food is a bit of a goof anyway. There's plenty people can do to make a difference, crying on Twitter about Koreans doing adverts for McDonalds or Starbucks aren't on the list. It's just lazy.

The current sales are still very healthy compared to anything but a couple of hype years during the pandemic.

Yeah now they've got Waitrose prices without the quality. A shame really, Asda is going the same way.

I'd imagine a very similar deal to Twice. They can make boatloads of money on their world tour, still come back when they want to and have creative freedom that they seemingly already have anyway.

They were warned that all that would happen is that they'd lower migration from Eastern Europe and instead would get more Indians, Pakistanis and Nigerians.

We've swapped Polish workers who'd come here for a few years, work hard, then buy a home in Poland for students from Nigeria who end up bringing half their village across using various schemes. Great job Brexiteers..

Have Labour made any noises about this? It feels like a scam - if you whack the standing charge onto the kWh rates then you encourage lower usage and the higher costs will be on the people with high usage.

If he showed anything that we hadn't seen before then we know he makes it past those hunters.

Very easy to say from the safety of wherever you might be. You do you though 👋✊👋

If you think that you need to closely look at the previous 2000 years or so. It'll become very obvious why this specific group of people need their own country to be safe in.

Nothing about zionism says that you can't also have a Palestinian state next door. 

The vast, vast majority of Jewish people are zionist. The literal text book definition is that it's a:

Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews

Nothing more, nothing less. Zionism is fully compatible with there being Arab and Muslim Israelis, or there being an independent Palestinian state some day.

insane that Ethan and HIla are viewed this way

It's not once you realise that some people just really dislike Jewish people, obsessively so.

Good luck starting a career as someone who dodges conscription in places like Israel or South Korea. People don't just dip out - there's immense social pressure and countries like the ones above need large active armies as they're still at war. The vast majority of people living there will go into the army because they feel some sort of obligation but also because they think it's the right thing to do for their home country.

Weki Meki is worse when you realise it's "Weekee meekee" and not "Wecky Mecky".

Yeah when I was looking for antenatal classes I found out about NCT. I'm fine with 1 kid but I don't want 26!

I guess it's different in the States. Their road trips are longer as well.

Just last week I went from the UK to the Netherlands and had no issues at all. I charged just before the ferry to France, then a little top up along the motorway in Belgium where pretty much every rest stop had at least 4-6 rapid chargers. I didn't rapid charge in the Netherlands but looking at the map it's packed with chargers there - I went to a restaurant and I used a L2 charger for a few hours with no issues either.