Mans creating arguments out of his head lol

Its so funny yall hamericans go about treating every race equally yet are the biggest bitches / hypocrites when it comes to ANYTHING regarding race lol, look at your comment

Almost like this site is widely used worldwide, not only by freedomians, ya turd

You know not everyone is from the land of burgers and assault rifles right?

Some of yall need to stop being so terminally online lol

Oh yeah I definitely was in this camp, didn't want to try it after people recommending it as "chinese GTA", but after trying Yakuza which at first I was hesitant to try it after people recommended it as "japanese GTA" (which it isn't in the slightest and it's disservice to call it that) and loving it I finally decided to try it out.

Damn do I wish we got another Sleeping Dogs

Definitely not underrated, I've never seen bad opinion about it, it has 93% all time and 96% recent reviews as positive, it may be overlooked, but definiely not underrated

Yeah shadow of Mordor and War are damn fun games, Days gone is also somewhat good, but drags a lot imho

Imo after morrowind it was downward spiral, oblivion was dumbed down Morrowind and Skyrim was even more dumbed down oblivion

Im not even gonna say how bad FO3/4 felt after 3 mainline masterpieces that were 1 / 2 / NV

Skyrim already felt outdated the day it came out, if ES6 ever releases I just want to watch the howard boys be disappointed lol

bethesda was washed up WAY before FO76 lol

Sin of the First Scholar

Wow, this is a first time I've seen someone saying skyrim story is interesting and even biggest fanboys been admitting that it's not really good side of it, please do tell me your top5 story in games lol

Sin of the First Scholar

Ive seen some clips of Ghoul character and he seemed really well made, might watch it but currently I'm struggling to watch anything, been pretty on gaming lately after work

Sin of the First Scholar

Oh yeah lol same, I've tried to like their games (especially fallout) so much, but they are so bland I just couldn't, especially after the greatness of isometric / obsidian Fallouts

Sin of the First Scholar

So my point is valid, vanilla skyrim is garbage, but mods doesnt indicate skyrim becomes good - it shows that these mods are good

If You take Mcd burger home and make gourmet out of it yourself, then it isnt mcd burger that is good

Yeah, playing it for the first time now, games total blast, love it so much

Sin of the First Scholar

I mean they are fun if you like bad writing, bad gameplay, bad quests, no interesting npcs, no interesting side quests

Ill be boring then

Sin of the First Scholar

Mate compared liking bethesda games to being fun lol

Sin of the First Scholar

I disliked Bethesda garbage before i played souls

Sin of the First Scholar

Skyrims only good thing is music, but FS still does it better, bethesda games are pure mediocrity

I loved just throwing shit at enemies in Prey, best weapon, best fun

I loved Tobey Maguire movies, even Andrew Garfield ones, did like some of the games (especially the one with Noir Spider Man don't remember the title), same for the first animated movie, but damn do I dislike the Sony games and Holland movies