Get her a herding ball. Some have that instinct very strong, others not so much. Mine, he will try to herd anything that moves. His herding ball is his absolute favorite thing, and in the snow.

This post reminds me of when I worked at a level 2 trauma center. New hire, first day, and the woman comes in wearing a really low cut shirt, mini skirt, with huge clunky high heels and dangling jewelry all over. She was sent home to change. She did not want to wear a loaner set of hospital scrubs. She never did come back.

In a country that is literally a melting pot of different religions and cultures. Separation of church and state.

I don't think people that disagree with the ten commandments in public schools are going to put their kids in private schools where 80 percent of private schools are religion based. Bit I do agree they want to dismantle out public schools

Which in turn will open up other lawsuits. Someone wants to display the Quoran? Why only their chosen God and not anybody else's? This is a way to program the future generations.

Puppies can dehydrate very quickly. I'd take her in to your vet asap. Good for you on getting all her age appt puppy shots. Beautiful lil Weimy!

That's paltry. She Was In a position of authority, over a 13 year old, then went to his home armed. Thanks for telling me, I didn't know what the average was.