Little Match Tradwife

Right because I think its just as important to promote good experiences because they exists - I’d argue they are as much the norm as bad ones even!

Little Match Tradwife

The vision of that woman peeling it with a paring knife will never leave me

she's not wrong but she's messy

Oh man The Kiss…viscerally transported back to my male besties dorm room and its overwhelming Armani cologne smell.

I’m late to this thread but I’ve been on the kid end of this: my mother was hospitalized for a few weeks when I was young and a family friend came to stay to help with my brother and I. She was herself very controlling and clearly thought my mom’s housekeeping and parenting (esp if me as a girl) weren’t up to snuff. So she rearranged my mother’s entire kitchen while she was gone. I don’t know what if anything my parents said to her about this, but we talked about how batshit it was for years afterwards among ourselves. She meant well and is still a family friend - but goddamn. Didn’t help that the treatment my mother had been receiving caused significant short term memory loss so when she came home to the new layout she must have legit felt insane.

It’s so good! Really creepy, I could only play limited hours in a session bc I found it stressful. But such cool mechanics and story.

As someone who has two amazing former street cats adopted from HRA is 2019, this makes me so sad. We had such a good adoption experience with them, our volunteer was so kind and clearly cared about the cats there…to know what was behind the scenes and what admin thought about those cats just kills me. My cats are quirky and smart and playful. One is also gorgeous and was always going to get adopted, but the other is visually unremarkable and a little bite-y, and had been in the shelter four months before we took her home. To imagine her being killed is so upsetting- and yes, I know that some of that is a reality of shelters and overpopulation, but HRA has (or had) a reputation for being different, and this just bums me out.

Thank you for speaking out.

I’m a bit late to this thread but I can offer one heartening counter-example: my grandfather remarried my grandmother as she was dying of cancer. They had divorced a decade before but reconciled a few years before her diagnosis; when it became clear she was probably terminal he told her he wanted to say those vows again so that they could be together til death as they had pledged so long before. He was by her side til the end and while he did remarry within a few years, he showed love and respect for her memory always.

she's not wrong but she's messy

The Tulum is great for my post-baby tits, for what it’s worth

she's not wrong but she's messy

I have the tulum and it’s got great support, the most supportive/flattering non-underwire suit I’ve had in ages.

she's not wrong but she's messy

Whyyyy are all the prints so ugly? I just bought a black ribbed one and the quality is great, but I’ve now basically exhausted the variety available in my taste range.

she's not wrong but she's messy

This got an audible laugh out of me so good work

she's not wrong but she's messy

God, Elle. What a ride of a film - she’s amazing in it, it simply would not work at all without her performance.

she's not wrong but she's messy

Condon was my vote as well - she’s so good in that role

Little Match Tradwife

The repeated support for Groff really cements for me that that sub is full of teenagers.

What did you make of this latest one, Utopia Avenue? I’m generally a big fan of his - love Bone Clocks for all its weirdness - but UA really let me down. I found it painfully self-indulgent, a more pretentious 60s music version of Ready Player One.

Yeah I hate this also, it’s one of the reasons I stopped listening (though I still dip in here and there).

I almost literally ran into John Mulaney during the second week of lockdown - late March/early April 2020, so everyone was maximally spooked and edgy. I was out walking in my ghost town DC neighborhood and as I rounded the corner by the swank apartment complex near the WhiteHouse, I was suddenly face to face with Mulaney. I knew it was him right away despite the pulled down cap because he had Petunia with him. He looked terrified, and I kind of can’t blame him; seems like a terrible time to be famous on a public street, where a clueless or in-denial fan might try to press for an interaction. Lucky for him I am polite and sane and also was heavily pregnant at the time, so just as eager to avoid contact with strangers as he was. Was kind of a fun boost during what was obviously a very anxious time, despite the lack of any actual interaction.

Yes, and his obesity was a factor in the treatment pf some of his late wives - PROOF fat ppl have always been evil!


The Fiddlehead Chef! She is great at this kind of service, very professional, transparent pricing and creative tasty recipes.

Danielle Jonas's wrestling coach

I have a recurring nightmare where I find myself out in public with no shoes and panic because it’s such a violation of the social code. I cannot imagine shamelessly entering a WF barefoot.

Venture Bros is an all timer for me forever. Went downhill a bit at the end perhaps, but so unique and so true to itself and so funny. Every rewatch I catch something new.