best you never breed then as it seems you don't have an ounce of tolerance in you, a substance you need endless amounts of to be a parent

this smells like a one shot shotgun comment 💩

this smells like a dick comment. and how you connect anyone's 'game ' play antics and discussion, to how they can survive real life is puzzling and can only figure your just another toxic cnt who's shit talking in and out of the game dosnt match thier actual skill level. try if you like instead of being a shit cnt, give some game advice that will help a fellow player so that if he or anyone like him are in your squad they become an asset to the team.

here is an interesting read and info:


Asian house geckos in Australia have sparked divergent opinions. Some people love their vocality, often hearing their distinctive chirping at night, while others find it annoying. They thrive in urban areas, taking refuge in buildings and homes, but some argue that they negatively impact native species by competing for food and habitat.

Feeding on insects, Asian house geckos are prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas, controlling pest populations and potentially reducing the need for chemical pest control. However, their rapid reproduction and adaptability can lead to overpopulation, disrupting local ecosystems.

Asian Gecko’s Behaviour

The Asian House Gecko is territorial and often aggressively defends its territory against other geckos. They establish a social hierarchy within their group, with dominant individuals asserting their dominance over subordinates. When encountering other species of geckos, they exhibit aggressive behaviour, often resulting in fights to establish dominance.

Their hunting patterns involve being nocturnal hunters, preying on insects and small invertebrates. They make a distinctive chirping sound, which serves as a territorial and mating call. They play a crucial role in reducing the population of insects, acting as natural pest controllers.

Physically, they have a slender body with large, lidless eyes, and their colour ranges from light brown to grey. They lay clutches of eggs multiple times a year, with females capable of reproducing without mating. They have a lifespan of around five to seven years.

The spread of the Asian House Gecko in Australia has had a significant impact on native gecko species. They compete for resources and territory, often outcompeting and displacing native geckos, leading to a decline in their populations. This has caused concerns for the conservation of native species in Australia.

What Does The Asian Gecko Eat?

The Asian gecko has a varied diet, consisting mainly of small insects and spiders. These creatures make up the majority of their diet, and they are skilled hunters, able to catch their prey using their long, sticky tongues. Additionally, Asian geckos are not picky eaters, and they are known to consume paper wasp larvae and even other geckos.

In addition to insects and spiders, geckos also consume a variety of other food sources, such as sap, nectar, and even small invertebrates. Their varied diet allows them to adapt to different environments and makes them successful and resilient predators.

Identification & Habitat

The Asian Gecko, also known as the Tokay Gecko, is commonly found in a variety of habitats throughout Southeast Asia, including urban areas, forests, rocky areas, and coconut palm trunks. They prefer warm and humid environments, making them well-adapted to the tropical climates of the region. Asian Geckos are also known for their abundance in urban environments, where they can be found in buildings, homes, and other man-made structures.

The invasion of Asian House Geckos in certain regions, particularly in Australia, has raised concerns among conservationists and researchers. These geckos were initially introduced to Australia unintentionally through the transportation of goods or by hitchhiking on vehicles. Since their arrival, they have quickly established themselves in various urban and suburban areas.

Their ability to thrive in urban settings can be attributed to factors such as the availability of food sources, including insects attracted to artificial lighting, and the abundance of sheltered spaces. In contrast, they may not thrive as well in forested areas due to competition with other species, as well as the loss of suitable nesting and foraging sites.

Various predators, including snakes, birds, and larger lizards, pose a threat to the Asian Gecko. Additionally, they may also be affected by parasitic infections such as mites and ticks. Despite these challenges, the Asian Gecko’s adaptability and resilience enable them to maintain stable populations in a range of habitats, including urban environments.

Are Asian Geckos A Pest?

Asian geckos, specifically the common house gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus), have been identified as a potential pest threat in various regions around the world. These geckos have the ability to outcompete native gecko species for resources, resulting in a decrease in native gecko populations. This can disrupt the delicate balance of ecosystems and negatively impact the food chain. Additionally, the large number of Asian geckos and their feeding habits can have broader impacts on the ecosystem.

In some areas, Asian geckos have become a pest, including parts of Australia, the Pacific Islands, and the United States. In response to their impact, measures are being taken to address the threat of Asian geckos, such as the implementation of control and mitigation strategies. These measures aim to manage the spread of Asian geckos and minimise their impact on native species and ecosystems.

Asian Geckos and How To Control Them

If you’re looking to control Asian geckos in your home, there are several methods that can help reduce their presence. First and foremost, it’s important to eliminate their food source by getting rid of insects in and around your home. This can be done by using insecticides, keeping your home clean, and sealing up any cracks or crevices where insects may enter.

Additionally, using insect screens on windows and doors can prevent geckos from entering your home. Turning off outdoor lights at night can also help to reduce the number of insects, which in turn can reduce the number of geckos attracted to your home.

Another method for controlling Asian geckos is to use glue boards in areas where they are commonly seen. These boards can help to trap and remove geckos from your home.

better be with only max 3mm aperture as they are out searching for food as soon as out of the egg and can get in through the smallest of gaps also will have to seal where pipes, conduits and wires go through the walls into the units as these pests travel through there like a highway. so in summary, the amount you have to cover your a/c will make it ineffective and probably damage it as the air can't flow and probably burn a motor out. fully choking/ smothering it. best thing to do with the eggs when found is throw them in the bin firmly on the side to smash them (they break easily), and heavily spray the live Asian geckos with fly spray. easily identifiable so as not to mistake for Aussie breed. cream coloured and quite translucent when near lights at night, you'll find you won't see the Aussies (usually quite darker and brown in appearance)as much as they are shyer and stay more hidden for the most but eat all the same critters

they certainly are pests, they are an introduced species from Asia, they compete with (and winning the fight)our native species of geckos via food resources and these eat the young of our native species. they are also prolific breeders, very bad for electrical components in your home (meter boxes, air-conditioning units, circuit boards in appliances etc) aside of shitting everywhere, making a mess on your ceilings from moth kills etc. kill these pests so that our native geckos can flourish.

well aren't you just a bucket of fun and as helpful to a mouse as a piece of cheese on a mouse trap ! I take it you were already a pro at this when you first started ? of coarse you fkn weren't, don't be such a dick and help the lad instead of being a cunt

you can though tune the attachment you put on it yourself. test in fire range and in game, don't forget to save your mod, and re save if you make changes

good lass, just spanked the puppy straight after a blizzard while watching you sort yourself out. good girl.

it's all planned already with concept pics available, all heights etc, dealt with (have to be or would never be insurable. shopping center with commercial and residential towers tbc (unsure of height, but not very high if i recal) developer is mirvac

seems it was a nasty rumour, the boys/black noir not released again

haha that's better !! yeah that is good news (now that I know what the news was lol) I'll defs sus that out. and thanks 😊

ours was like this, twist knobs and then later model with slide knobs, was before Atari came out with pong on its first consol. wow that was testing the memory haha

the model we had was before it was called pong, was originally called tennis haha

I want the black noir bundle, but same, it's no longer available

it's quite easy once you sort it, essentially plug and play. in settings you have a bit of control. are you on p.c or consol? oh and that's no excuse, I'm almost 60 lol and grew up with a unit that played tennis, a bouncing square for a ball and slide controllers to make a little bar go up and down on each side and that's all it could do, the challenge was, it got faster as it went on that gave its difficulty level. the Atari came out years later. if you van get a wireless headset, but if not it dosnt matter, get what you can afford. better to have wired and better quality than wireless and crap mic.

curious, why don't you use a mic? we pick up players all the time, but avoid players without comms as it is too difficult most of the time, uncoordinated and frustrating not being able to communicate, to many times failure because of it for numerous reasons. All for the sake of a mic

So much bullshit to this whole fkn thing 1st Real estate is not a fkn trade. tosser!! 2nd $35 ph will never equate to a $200k annual wage, no one part time is getting the amount of hrs and overtime to get this, or even full time with o.t on a union site, it's all hyped up hotshot, the numbers don't stack up, social media hype and exaggerated bragging by fkwits. 3rd He dosnt take the job seriously at all and should be shit canned as his attitude comes with major safety issues for himself and anyone else if he's that relaxed at his 'bludge job'. 4th this whole $200+k thing with traffic controllers is a pipe dream. he is lucky to be getting $35 as many tc's are on the minimum of $27 an hr which is too low for the job. 5th t.c may 'look' easy and lazy, it's often dangerous with fkwit/stupid/entitled drivers/pedestrians/cyclist. t.c's are there for everyone's safety. 6th for those complaining in this thread, like teachers (yeah right, as if you don't get, what is it, about 10 to 12 weeks all up paid leave a year?. ha) etc. how is the risk factor of death or Injury in your industry? and hey some industries have every right to complain about thier wages and/or conditions.

sounds like you need to find better team mates and it will happen a lot less

get up her nose by affixing a dummy camera that points to her house, if questioned its monitoring your back yard and/or monitoring her videoing your kids. if she whines to the police, well it's not doing anything but it'll get up her nose haha. bugger her, let your kids be kids, you sound like responsible parents. she is just a twat