App had an update and the toggle is now there for me! In US if it matters

I hope they do more colors in that tank because I am not a pink girl but I love the shape.

It immediately reads as passive aggressive to me. It doesn't sound like they're being sincere, they're being a smartass.

Uh.. saying "Why don't you just skip it all" is absolutely being shitty imo. If these are supposed to be friends, they should be able to express how they feel without getting a backhanded comment.

I'm definitely not okay with these things, but I think it doesn't affect as many XIV players because a lot of the community only really plays one character, thus they are less likely to care.

Enshrouded is the only survival game I've been able to get into and stick with. Not sure why.

Skynd in general is great for this.

If you've actually read the texts and think she is defendable, you need to really examine who you are as a person.

After literally hours of tweaking, adding the second face paint in light black helped add some much needed depth to her eyes. they're still pretty soulless but it helped. Granted my char has lighter skin and using eye 6 so it may not help you, but I thought I'd suggest it just in case!

There are definitely areas in the US that have undrinkable tap water.

For real, if I skipped every story that had an apology at the start I'd be missing out on a lot of amazing stories. Ridiculous

Thank you. I got downvoted in another thread for mentioning it but I'm race changing because I get irrationally angry every time I see her face.

Yes the eyes are just UGH. Not sure if it's the shape, the texture, the eyebrows (mine are definitely thinner) or what.

I finally got something I liked by changing her from nose 1 to nose 3. But I'm not in love with it. I am hoping modders come through with some fixes or something; there's not another race I like enough to change races completely.

My Thighlander's face looks totally different so I am really not sure whether I'm fully race changing or just going to try and tweak her face.

I'm lowkey crying because she looks so different :(

That BBQ looks delicious.

My blood pressure can't take the hate for NC BBQ in this sub lately.

I hate it too, but I know it's because I associate it with Sims 4 and I'm pretty sour on the 'brand' at this point.

We Got The Moves by Electric Callboy

Kiss the Go-Goat by Ghost always makes me think of summer for some reason, despite having no references to summer itself; it's just a great song to have turned up with your windows down on the highway idk lol