Content pour Sainté, un grand club. Metz n'a pas le niveau

Is Charlie the little feller staring from the dark in the 3rd picture?

Wow. All my grandparents were born in Algeria and I always thought I was fully french. But now thanks to u/Deltafly01 I know I was wrong and I'm only half french. I'll never be as french as him. Silly me for thinking I was french after having lived in no other country.

Je suis en premiere année de prépa et pour nous c'était militaire. Deadline pour l'inscription, les profs qui poussent pour ceux qui sont pas encore inscrits, rappels à tous les cours... C'est pas pareil dans tous les lycées hein. Y a même des représentants de la licence à nos conseils de classe.

Maybe epigenetic would play a small part in that. There's still a lot we don't know about it and it could on the very long term perhaps affect melanin production, with hundreds of years there would also be a lot of new generations of cells like no human being has ever experienced so there could be new stuff. But that's as far as it can get and I'm already making some wild assumptions and questionable theories. Overall the change would probably be ridiculously small, just a bit darker tone, nothing crazy even in a thousand years. The shape of your nose, the color of your eyes, your height or all the other things defined by your genotype will not change because the atmosphere in your new environmental is wetter, and if they do because of mutations from say UV's that are stronger in Africa it won't be something that will make you look nigerian, just a random defective protein. If that kind of change could happen on a 500 year scale, we would be seeing stuff already on actual migrants who lived their whole life foreign.

That technique requires a shit ton of coffee and make sure that the night after the exam you get your 10 hours of sleep.

Wait till the last day. Wait till night. Go to bed early. Wake up very very early. Read hundreds and hundreds of slides with my notes from class open in front of me. I don't write a single thing. Only read in silence for hours and memorize the look of whatever thing I might have to draw for the exam. Go to exam. That's it.

Usually I remember a lot during the exam in the morning after 5 hours of reading. The day after I forgot all the details. Don't do like me. I make it work. But it's only because I can't work unless it's the day of the exam.

It's called a pissenlit. I don't think anyone still uses dent-de-lion

D'habitude toi je te vois sur les subreddit de foot avec le flair ogc nice. Mais je suis tout aussi d'accord avec toi hors du foot.

I love Italy (live 30 kilometres from it) but they won the last euro already so not necessarily them.

I could be in trouble for saying that in France but I wouldn't mind England winning, it's been so long it's just cruel now. Same with Germany at home I would be happy for them.

Honorable mentions for Poland, Croatia, Scotland and Georgia. The rest I wouldn't really support but I have beef with no country in this edition (a bit with Switzerland and Serbia though)

Non. Certes la proportion de personnes âgées est plus élevée que dans les autres grandes villes, quoique y a bien pire, genre Aix, mais la majorité des vieux sont de classe moyenne pas bourge du tout. Je vis à Nice Nord (Le Ray, Gorbella,...) et la majorité des vieux partent pas en vacances, appart standards et c'est des vieux normaux quoi. Le centre à part le vieux-Nice c'est dépourvu de vieux. Tous les vieux riches ont des maisons autour de Nice (Villefranche, Rimiez, à la limite Cimiez, Las Planas, et le reste de la Côte d'Azur...) et on les voit presque jamais en fait, ils descendent pas souvent.

Comme partout y a des gros quartiers populaires, des quartiers d'immigrés, des quartiers de familles, y a de tout. De même il y a BEAUCOUP plus d'actifs de classe moyenne que de retraités pétés de thunes aussi. On peut pas dire que c'est une ville de vieux bourges parce que ils sont plus représentés que dans le reste de la France tout en restant une petite minorité. Sinon autant dire que Strasbourg c'est une ville de turcs ou que Lille c'est une ville de beaufs.

Bref, c'est un peu une ville de vieux bourgeois mais bcp moins que ce qu'on peut imaginer

We destroy you that's what happens.

(It's a joke it's great if we even get past the group stage)

A Tahiti ce truc là existe depuis des années et des années

INEOS being Nice's main shareholder and an important shareholder at Man Utd, the two clubs which qualified for Europa League (Nice finishing 5th in Ligue 1 and Man Utd with the FA Cup) might not be able to compete in the same competition because of UEFA's rules. Nice president seems confident that they will find an arrangement, much like Toulouse and AC Milan did last year, both Redbird Capital-owned Europa League sides. In case they don't, Nice might have to drop to the Conference.

Yes but what I meant is that if you think Ajax doesn't have efficient strickers you clearly don't know ours because they miss so much. Like our squad is basically 11 Darwin Nunez

Haha you don't know Laborde clearly

The poor offense is not directly his fault. In Turkey he had a completely different strategy and his team was one of the best attacks. He just did with what he had in Nice and developed a strategy that doesn't encourage a lot of goal scoring. Add to that our attack players with poor aim. And that's why. I think with the players at Ajax he will once again re-adapt and make their attack very prolific

I just woke up. Already the dumbest thing I'll see today. What a huge waste of water and energy. Cool idea. But really stupid thing to implement. At least every night so it's clean for the day after ok. But I don't think using 100 liters of water after everyone is very clever. Plus this system requires a lot of space and cleaning time for a single toilet. That's a huge waste of efficiency and that would create huge queues in front of the toilets. Dirty toilets is a non problem. It's not pleasant but we can all do with some soggy paper on the floor and a piss smell. Never killed anyone and certainly does not that justify all that nonsense