Not in a rude way towards her, but she should definitely see an orthodontist. The was her jaw/chin is positioned/shaped could definitely cause some health issues down the line, and I would say once of the worst places to have chronic pain at, besides the back (seriously chronic back pain sucks), is the jaw area, and the mouth itself. Preventing something before it happens can be massive

Shh, if you point out their blatant cherry-picking then they can’t act like they have sources that defend them1!!1!

This sounds like something that you would find on deviantart

It was mostly the kinda bad grammar that did it. It wasn’t phrased in a way that made it seem sarcastic, and the punctuation was weird. (Also these aren’t brackets, they are parentheses)

That was some pretty shittly worded sarcasm, and how are WE supposed to get the reference to a quote your friend said?

The fact that when I came across this comment it had 3 downvotes probably means some of the members from that sub saw this post and are pissed people are shit talking their sub so they are angry voting all the comments that they don’t like

What’d the dude say? It’s been deleted but I wanted to hate on it too

Edit: autocorrect being annoying

Same, whenever I’m not running hover boots I normally always have a moment where I’m like “I really wish I had hover boots right now”; it’s the ultimate safety cushion for scout, like if you grapple the wrong part of a ledge and you’re dangling more then a fair couple dozen meters in the air. It’s also especially helpful on point extraction no matter the class you’re using. Normally the deposit pad is for some reason mostly always at the bottom of the map, so it’s real good for any non scout class to just be able to grab what you mined, toss it down, then jump down the entire map and hover right before you land. Saves you having to make a whole trip down the long way

Hover boots slander makes me sad, but yes I agree with your points. I barely remember what half of the perks do because I’ve barely touched them once

Why did you get downvoted for saying this😭🙏

Edit: Why did I get downvoted for saying this😭🙏

They are going to be putting more time into it later down the line. The game isn’t near being dropped yet, after Rogue core is released they are already planning to start development on season 6. And it’s likely they will keep working on it after that, especially if rouge core brings back some popularity to DRG

Hover boots definitely needs some more recognition. I hear almost nobody talk about it, but I find it to be great on scout. Accidentally zipline in the wrong spot and now you’re hanging in the air, where you would otherwise fall and take loads of damage or even die? Fall and use hover boots. Grapple high up and want to descend quickly while having an already ready grapple when you hit ground? Just hover boot down then grapple. Accidentally fall off a steep ledge after you grapple up to a high spot? Hover boot. Besides basically being a multi-functional safety cushion, it could also be used for other things. For example, want to grapple to a specific spot but you can’t get the right angle? Grapple to the ceiling, and when you get to the top let go. Use hover boots mid air when you’re at a height where you can get a clear shot, and grapple over there since the hover gave you the perfect angle while giving the grapple time to charge. Were you kiting and accidentally mess up, doomed to fall right into the swarm below? Hover boot, and either clear out the enemies below you while they can’t hit you, or buy yourself time to be able to grapple elsewhere sooner.

Here’s my take on it: think about a standard team with one of each class. Each has their own mobility, gunner zipline, engineer platform, driller.. drills, and scout can grapple. Each mobility gear functions in a different way, some working faster than others. Scouts is easily the most versatile and can get around quick, but even if this is the case the scout will still stick close to the team as it isn’t a DPS focused class; and the rest of the team has to move around using only each others tools, with each one helping each other. Engi can platform a bridge to help gunner and driller (and can also build turrets to cover them while they move), gunner can zipline large caverns to help engi and driller, and driller can make tunnels and escape routes. This happens while scout is grappling around freely contributing to the team by getting stuff far away normally, and if attacked they can just grapple away and normally back to the team. One of each class is a good synergy. However, if we have two scouts, now you have two slower classes making their way through the cave with each other bringing their own abilities to help each other meanwhile you have two fast players on the same class with the exact same purpose: to get stuff far away quickly. Scout has solo based abilities, since they’re normally on their own. This means that the two scouts don’t normally have any means to really help each other, this means they just get in the way of each other, and there isn’t really any need to have two scouts. Three scouts means you have three fast people that can cross large spaces with ease, with a singular person unable to move nearly as quickly or efficiently, which basically renders them alone to defend themselves and slowly make their way through as the scouts fly along, not fun and not efficient. However, if you have a full 4 scout team: everyone is fast, everyone can traverse the map easy. Nobody has to make time for anyone to get somewhere, and everyone can get around on their own. Everyone can quickly and independently fly through the cave, doing their part to help out. There isn’t one driller left alone that has to tunnel to get up parts of the map, there isn’t just one engineer either sitting there with their turrets or having to slowly platform around. There isn’t just one gunner sitting there shooting everything and protecting themself with a shield during swarms, while slowly having to zipline around. 4 scouts means everyone has the same base kit, most importantly the grapple. Grapple to the objective, grapple away from enemies, no fuss.

Edit: fixed a typo

Not disagreeing with the sentiment of disliking them, but why do so many people dislike them? I doubt everyone has the same issue about it and I’m just curious

You need to have 4 engines on point extract all use their turrets on the platform. Including the built in 3 turrets, you add up to 8 engi turrets, meaning you basically have a platform with 11 turrets on it. Just stand inside the platform when a swarm shows up

“Made to be hated” would be the frowning friends, or the president

I think the way you worded it in your original comment wasn’t the greatest, specifically the last line “I’m very possessive of her”, people could take it in a context which makes you sound like you’re very controlling of her. The first definition for possessive is literally “jealously opposed to the personal independence of, or to any influence other than one's own upon, a child, spouse, etc.”