Interested in this. While my wife was pregnant, we tried out a bunch of cocktails and weren't impressed with many.

My wife did say she thought the mocktails at Grove, Reserve, and Mammoth Distillery were balanced and good.

Now NA beers are great tho. And I'm glad a lot of venues and restaurants are starting to offer them. But sometimes you just wanna good mocktail/cocktail too.

My wife was sad there was no ball crowd she loved the show tho

I mean in terms of Elden Ring potential sequel, Malenia technically isn't forever dead, she'll bloom again and Godwyn exists physically in the current world to some capacity, tho his soul is gone. There's also like some lands beyond the lands between.

So who

I would love a new story and game, but I'm totally down for more ER. I think a DLC would be fitting.

This is so beautiful and like others said very dreamy

Seriously!! Lmao back when I had people flake or ghost me on dates, I just stayed in and treated myself to some food take outs, or was like yolo, in going to that place and enjoying myself some nice drinks and food at the restaurant. Shoot I do that on occasions anyways, it's peaceful and nice.

I literally just ran around dodging and proc'd bleed on her with the blood fly incantation thingy to defeat her, but this would have been a lot cooler to try now that I am starting to play around and use shields for extra survivability.

Do hope the Elden Ring dev team one day lets us reply boss fights without going into NG+ and beyond.

Yes!! This would be so lovely!! Crossing my fingers that this will one day be available in a future patch

He's one of us! What a lad!! Yeah!! Used every available resource this game has to offer and it's so doable.

Been playing defensively and for survivability, and all the damage negation incantation and talisman. HP boost talisman, HP Regen talisman has been clutch. LMAO just learned about the endure AoW! Like dang, what?!

For me I struggle with Tideman because I completely misunderstood the concept. I didn't think it was explained clearly. I had to rewatch the video and it was in my attempt to try something else.

Like "maybe they meant this, couldn't possibly be. Well shoot it is"

Either way it's the hardest by far of the project. And don't stress you'll get it!! Take a break and try again.

Drawing graphs and try working with a smaller set of people. Like 2 or 3. When something is complex, break it down it smaller chunks or parts, and draw it out.

Also took me 2 weeks

You're a good dude OP. I love and respect the first thing you did was check on the kid and made sure he was alright.

As a transplant, I felt people often kept to themselves and their circles. I suspect it's just that most people who lived here, lived here their whole lives and are already established. And with the pandemic, people kept their guard up even more.

Most of the friends I made here are also transplants or live outside of GR or younger folks, so they're more open to making friends. Though I wouldn't say this applies to everyone, most social people will strike up a conversation if one party strikes a conversation.

I know my neighbors were very welcoming and while it took up some time to build up that friendship, I say they're one of my closest circles in the area. Another one is a thrift shop circle and generally more inclusive, and it took me about a year before I established myself in the group.

It just takes one person. Don't give up.

Literally struggled with my first furnace golem take down (just before cerulean coast) attempt last night before the patch. I got close with the pest threads incantation, but did not do enough damage before he got back up.

Saw the patch notes and Tried again this morning before work, and wham, killed him. I am digging the new reallocation and changes to the scadutree buffs.

Scrudtree, spirit ashes, damage negation and HP boost talismans, incantation buffs (golden vow/grant me strength) will increase survivability significantly. Add talisman that restore HP/FP on kill or HP successful attack.

I have about 9 scrudtree (18 fragment) and I feel like the game is back to Lyndell and Azula level difficulty for NG+0. The rest are extra padding.

I always assumed that was the case. It's wild people aren't collecting more scrudtrees and ashes. They definitely help.

I remember the overworld enemies just 1 or 2 shots me, now it's like 4 to 8, but it gives me time to breath and heal.

With only +3 Scudtree and +1 Spirit Ash, I was able to beat Rellana once I learned her pattern and defeated all the drakes up to Bayle boi, and ran into the Ghostflame boi and killed him too. I'm now up to +8 Scudtree and much tankier.

Disclaimer: I'm a over-leveled but very mediocre player and NG(+0), but my stats spread out and nothing is over 55, so it plays more like a lvl 180ish build.

For casual gamers like me. Just utilize all the available games mechanics. Summons. Flask of wondrous physics. Equip damage negation talismans and use buff incantations. They help greatly.

Bro, I didn't know either. Lol. I just started writing messages in the DLC to help folks out cause I found them so useful.

Sorry to hear about your situation again OP. Glad kindness and generosity won out. Hope you can get a eBike quick this summer, I know Lectric took forever to ship mine.

I have a Lectric E-Bike as well that I've parked all over the city - at the meanwhile on Wealthy, along division, and on GVSU campus. One thing I did to give my bike a bit of personality and deter thieves was to just slap fun and meaningful stickers all over it.

In terms of security I found a cheap folding lock around the frame and tire and a thicker one (look into Foldylock Forever) deters most folks in GR. Walking around the city, I'm kinda stunned most folks only use a cheap combination cable lock or thin u-lock, so something heftier will deter people. It's hard to fit around a lot of things and the Lectic bike frame is pretty bulky and dont leave much wiggle space.

250K Artist

I'm happy and relieved for Hori. It's been a fun and wild ride, and while not perfect, he did create something great and something he should be very proud of. I hope he enjoys a nice long rest and break, and if he chooses to draw again, I hope he has more leverage on breaks and can choose a less stressful schedule.

Looking forward to reading the last few chapters with you all.

Here!! Lmao. I'm terrible and my "blasphemous red mage" build is far from optimized and I lack skills, but being at level 300 I have the stats to utilize a bunch of weapons, spells, and incantations to just get through most situations for NG+0.

Granted I haven't beaten any of the main bosses yet. Just a minor boss like dragon-man (with spirit ash buddy) and a drake (cheese), and that's cuz I don't know where I'm going and can't find anything.

Found 3 fragment and 1 ashes so far. So those have been helpful, so overall I'm doing okay.

My overworld strategy is since everything hits like a train, so snipe them at a distance to awaken, kill, or thin out, and then go in for the kill.

I started hiring a few mercs at the beginning because I didn't realize you'd get so many named characters. I sorta stopped now to adjust my roster as needed. I still keep and use the ones I have tho...felt bad cuz like they my homie at the beginning you know.

I mean might not be a bad thing if the thermohaline circulation due to raising ocean temperature, which is bad cuz it bring warm currents / temp to Europe.....Least europe can stay warm...

J/K. Tis bad...

Cuz he just wanna be lil spoon 😭 and trusts you.

Yup everything is doable solo. Honestly finding online player was near impossible for me for some reason and I got too nervous, so I just play solo mostly. It's nice but I wish I had buddies who had the game.

Yeah dude if it's your first camera, go for the A6700. I took its predecessor, the A6500 everywhere with me, and it was my first serious camera. I even did event photography and portrait gigs with it.

Also the lenses are so much cheaper and there are so many options to choose from in the last 4 years.