She did everyone a dis service. Ffs she knows a ton of people loved and respected him. Don't agree with how she left after either. She had a village to help her with kids and pregnancy and grief and shut them all out. She's selfish at times

Sounds like he needs some grief therapy. My q drank because his son killed himself. He drank himself to death.

If you are feeling out of c9ntrol trying to control her you should not babysit her anymore. An accident m8ght happen and you would be responsible. It's not your job to counsel or correct her. Tell the grand parents your reasons and move on. There are plenty other jobs with less consequences

Semi YTA You should have said you were in labor. And why does cancer results take 4 weeks. Something seems fishy

I think you should take the interest and time you spend worrying about how much he drinks and refocus that energy into yourself and your future. It's up to him to want to not drink You have no control over him.

He has a drinking problem and this is only going to escalate from here. Keep the peace with him and quickly make your exit plan before this turns physically abusive. He's shown you who he is, it's time to show him who you are. You deserve better. Spend some time alone and being okay with yourself before you move on.

You are in no way responsible for his drinking, that would be like saying he is responsible for your cancer

I'd be more worried about your differences in what a clean home is. Are you ready to clean alone 100% of the time? I'd work out those differences first then suggest your family meet them at a restaurant.

Therapy isn't gonna help her within this time frame. She seems to have attachment problems with males. Probably due to the fact her own father has all but abandoned her

She had a disease that was stronger than you. Try to realize she loved you and imagine she is free of the pain now. So sorry

I use my foot on commercial type and hand on regular

I've always found it ridiculous they live in a two story house does not seem safe

Until she wants to be sober treatment won't work. Try to be supportive of your family and get to al anon

My Qs rock bottom was death. It looks different for everyone.

Well, since he had several chances to get them for her seems he might be immature and embarrassed to do it. Not condoning that behavior,that is why I asked who usually purchased them

Who usually purchases them if you don't drive? Bite the bullet and order them. He might have an issue with it

Not ignorance for wanting a healthy relationship. Sadly he's probably not capable and will miss our once again.

Encourage her to get some therapy. This thing could haunt her her whole life. Respect that she even confided in you to tell you. She's probably not mentally prepared to be in a relationship but wants to spare your feelings. Be her friend. Hope she gets better

You are entitled to your opinion and I mine. There are too many horror stories of single moms attracting men that harm their children

What did you expect to gain by trying to be civil with him? You knew he was a liar and a thief, he's shown you. How did his gf steal the money? Just guard yourself and don't have contact with him. Don't invite trouble to your life

Meeting her is one thing. Bring eager to change her diaper and being upset when told no is another.