Popped +2 minutes up immediately before blowing the whistle at 106?

Must have your head in the sand in this very thread much less anywhere else in the internet or media

What is nice about the ringer pods tho is they use the Spotify ad service so you can just mash the skip button without worrying about missing podcast content. They're separate individual tracks

Kinda hope they double up with Reeves from UK at 55. Two older NBA ready scorers for free

Reminded me of a MiniMaxey at UK, don’t think he’ll reach that same level but same energy. Streaky but is a dog, when he’s on he’s electric. Prone to overdoing it though and make some dumb decisions on both sides of the ball, but I think that can get sharpened a little bit in the league. Obviously super small but quick and athletic as fuck to make up for it.

He wasn’t just a catch and shoot guy I don’t really know why you are so stuck on this


If he had 2 more inches he would have gone first. 

He had a TS% of 70% lmao can’t create his own shot my ass

Brother he’s just moved the NBA factory to Arkansas. Boogie is gunna be a killer

Hurley has the most pick me energy for a back to back champ


well ackshually there is no correlation between high minutes and injuries and ackshually the minutes players play under thibs are not abnormal compared to the league average and ackshually why did thibs hurt giannis and ackshually thibs says losing in the second round is way more impressive than the conference finals which is why he does it so much

The beauty of hypotheticals, I can just disagree with you and move on lol

lists 7 HoFers and Tony Romo

wonders why Luck didn't get into a top 2 list in his 6.5 year career

Hell almost half your list didn't get first or second all pro either.

There was a ton of complaining about HFW being too checklist open world when it came out… it was continuously compared to Elden ring negatively. 


Left back isn’t the problem here. Could a better left back help? Sure, but this is purely down to the manager. 

Honestly even attempting to attribute this to a single position is even more embarrassing for Southgate. 

This is where my lack of ball knowledge bites me

Worst feeling in the world is an extra innings L on a high confidence favorite lmao thanks Cards 🫡


You’re right, everyone always screams upgrade but what can they even realistically get? You’re not swapping him for a top 10-15 type, you’ll just get another guy with red flags. 

Celtics got this ring by improving 3-7 not by turning Brown/Tatum into something else. 

One of these days a come back will be on my side of the bet guys god damn