Thats what all those years of tetris are for! Preparing you for shopping... lol

That will keep annoyingly falling down, unless you put elastic in the icord. You need a tension grip. Going above the knee with the elasticated cord will also help stop it falling back down. Nice design though, just thought id save you a bit of heartache now, as ive done similar "wierd sock" designs over the years.

I only do this in the summer if my water is empty, or I forgot my water, ill go straight to the fridge, if I can wait ill go to the quickest paypoint , then go back in store. But sometimes i cant wait, i have lots of health issues, i can burn up and dehydrate really fast. Then i need to glug on the spot like a heathen.... yup its embarrassing .

I know there are food equivalents for some health issues. I think hypoglycemic people might need to occasionally do this with a pack of crisps or something? (Parole Officer wouldnt lie to me now would it?) Prob a few more, regardless healthy adults should not be opening produce in store , unless necessary.

Why the down vote is it because you dont know the movie Parole Officer ? I thought this was a uk sub, or is it that you dont like people with disabilities? ....

Me , My dad , and atleast 1 cousin have fibro (huge family), maybe more? IBS runs in the family too, me, my dad and atleast 1 sibling, and 2 niblings and 1 cousin; CFS runs in the family, i used to say my aunt and I , then covid happened, i have atleast 1 niece and 1 male cousin with long covid, again probably more, many dont talk about their ailments, sadly especially these types of ailments. Migraines are also prevailant in my family.

I have a son, whos now a fully functioning adult who inhertited none of my ailments thankfully!!

I only use the 1 product, just the curl cream. Not sure the lettering of my curls, but its very curly, very long, very dry , but my hair is not coarse, im a Caucasian female (incase it makes a difference, i know ethnicity is involved in hair structure)

i dont use gels etc, i have always air dried my hair, slightly different from what these people are saying.

After the shower, i use a towel :O (i have soft cotton ones) i dont rub my hair , i just finger comb both during and after conditioning, then just wrap it in my towel turban, very tightly. I go dry the rest of me off, deoderise moisturise, get dressed, then i remove the towel turban. So ten minutes ish? Ill grab my curl cream, wide tooth comb and a water spritzer, i will finger comb my hair again quickly, then use the wide tooth comb. Then ill dip my finger's in the curl cream and put it on very lightly. Ill finger comb it through, then use the wide tooth comb into any partings i may want if my hair seems drying too fast , ill quickly spritz with water, not much just a bit, and comb it through. This helps dilute the cream too, I hate too much product on my hair, i like a really thin coating. Once combed into parting ill tip head upside down and scrunchwith my fingers a little , ill let air dry... every now and again a quick scrunch , sometimes tipping head, sometimes not. My hair dries fast enough as i dont use excessive product amd i let the towel turban sit on my hair long enough for it to start drying.

It only only takes a couple of minutes, at first, then just every 5-10 minutes a quick 30 second scrunch with damp fingers, until its dry. I can do any make up i can be bothered putting on , pack my handbag, etc whilst its air drying...

Quick amd simple! Plus its boots curl cream i buy, saved me a fortune since i found that lol! Best £2 i ever spent was trying that !

You mean Community? great show , paint ball was epic!!

Depends on a) how drunk you are and b) how drunk the pigeons are... oops seagulls

Your local corner shop, check just eat deliveroo etc , one of the spars or that on there will have eggs left, you might strike gold and get a thorntons one or something... you never know worth a quick check

Its the root cellar , being used as a wine cellar . Common in homes from this period (before refrigeration)

We just throw some deep fried mars bars at them...

Get the mri, decline the anaesthesia. They might find something, fixable . I mean youve prob got cfs, but they might find something else, that can be treated/surgically fixed, that might result in an improvement of your severe status, with us every little helps!!

So you got the joke, but decided to troll; are you ok pal? Did someone shit in your kettle?

Im Scottish, was taking the piss... james mcavoy played "the last king of Scotland" with forest whitaker ....

It was the old style emersion heaters, would take hours to heat the full tank, was only ever enough for 1 bath. I hated bath time as a kid, being the youngest. It wasn't until we got an electric shower that I enjoyed wash time, only then i got younger siblings lol. So my parents would have sunday bathday , gross now you think back. Parents would also be in their 70's , im mid 40's.

Around the same time as 9-11 there was attempted terrorist attacks here, think they started in london, that failed, they fled tried to blow up the airport in glasgow with a car bomb, it failed as they hit an exterior pillar . Locals helped subdue the terrorists , that guy kicked one in the nuts and tore a tendon. Its in Wikipedia, crap ton of news articles regarding it, just search "terrorist attack glasgow airport".

I had it 4 times as a kid. Nobody ever believes me when i say this. I also relate this to my CFS, still to this day one of my first symptoms when my immune system is stressed out is a rash similar to chicken pox. (I was diagnosed each time as a kid by my gp , or i would think with hindsight might be stressed immune system symptoms).

PS. I am mid 40's now

I was told its changed to a week, but wasnt a taxi driver, was my son who was told by a taxi driver...