I don't think that would prove damages as it would be impossible to say whether the insurance would actually cover it. Usually, insurance doesn't cover slow leaks.

In the start of the game, in the shallows, you can use the escape pod for a while. But you will want to explore further, and should build bases in the areas you want to explore.

You should start with a Multipurpose Room. Add a hatch and power source (solar panel in the shallows). In the base I alway put some storage cabinets and a fabricator. You will want to expand the base to add specialized components as you move further into the game.

"May" means the HOA has the option to do it or not.

Your best bet is still to hire an attorney to sue for damages.

Show me the suit or STFU. The Patterson video has been analyzed to death and it's impossible for it to be a human in a suit for many reasons. It was beyond the current tech at the time. The proportions were outside the human range. It's movements were impossible for a human but typical for an ape. And so on...

Get a third bid and pick the middle one.

Are you located in an HOA? They typically forbid owners' commercial vehicles from parking on the street.

You have a case against the neighbor for trespass for damage to your unit. Contact a lawyer.

I don't see the HOA being liable here since the leak originated from the other unit (as I understand your description) and not from inside the walls. You would still have to prove the HOA failed to maintain the pipes and caused the leak.

That's helpful information. In any event, they need to read the CC&Rs and contact the developer to see what can be done.

Pool water should be clear, not green. There is a skimmer, he just doesn't have the water level high enough. You need to add water or fix the water float valve, so it's high enough to reach the skimmer and circulate the water.

You have lawyers. Listen to them.

Usually the clew is attached to a fixed point on the roller-furler. I would remove that block and replace it with a shackle?

Is there an HOA Board that is controlling the HOA? One can't opt-out of an HOA (unless there is a provision in the CC&Rs), but it's up to the Board to enforce it.

It probably could, but it might stretch the contact between the rafters. After multiple times, it might crack the water-proof seal.

If you wanted to, see if you can access the attic. A contractor might be able to beef up the framing to get a deck. It would probably require getting an engineer. I would ballpark $10k-15k for the additional framing and deck.

Roofs have rafters to support the load of the roof. Decks have bigger beams to support the bigger load of people and things on a deck. If you try to put a deck on a roof, you will have load problems that will cause leaks.

Capture bladderfish to turn them into water. Then get the blueprint for the water maker.

Pro tip: the bladderfish are easier to catch at night (asleep?).

Edit: the gravtrap will help you catch fish including the bladder fish. Look for those fragments to get the blueprint for that.

The only traffic in OC is on the major freeways like the 5 and the 405. You’ll be fine.

Set up auto pay for the minimum payment from your checking account. It’s usually $35, small enough not to affect your checking account, and you’ll never miss a payment again.

The pre-approval letter should be enough. Don’t give them personal financial information.