
I would bet money that whoever mom is fighting with is not the father of those children, and if he is, he’s certainly not the father to all of them…

Not trying to be super shallow, it’s just lived experience and OP mentions not being sure it’s the same man.

ETA to the asshat who commented “I bet you’re going to guess their race next. Stop making assumptions”, but deleted it: I see you and your double standards. DM me if you wanna talk about lived experience instead of trying to make everything racist, ya clown

He misses both shots at point blank range, but manages to hit the cop that tracks him down from like 20 feet… what a world…

You’re gonna have to explain to me how that’s advocating for further training/thinking on self-defense tactics, which I’m assuming was the initial point of your comment? Your claim as I read it is, “usually bringing a gun to a knife fight does not in fact turn out in favor for the person with the gun”, which is objectively false except in the single scenario narrative you’ve brought to the table…

It reads like you’re trying to gate keep someone from learning any form of self defense because in your scenario they die anyway… it’s a brain dead take and contributes little to the conversation.

I’m still waiting for some tools, tactics or trainings you’d recommend for someone engaging in CQB with a knife wielding assailant in their apartment hallway…..

You didn’t advocate for shit until you got called out, if you want to educate people about anything you do it up front not 6 comments down in the chain. Give examples of tools you’d use in those situations, give insight, don’t lazy ass write about guns being ineffective in a given situation you’ve made up in your head and then not give any supporting information until somebody engages with you. It makes you look like a tool.

I just gotta add how dumb it is to think the only potential setting for conflict is pictured in the post… what if McStabby tries to chase OP inside their apartment and break down the door… confronts OP while going to/from the car…. any other situation where McStabby is outside 21ft?

Alright DUST, I got you bro, I’ll make sure to travel everywhere with just my hands since knives are superior in CQB o7

This, and get a doorbell camera. Also I advise you NOT escalate AT ALL, but bringing a gun to a knife fight is usually good for the one with the gun….

Please invest some research time into the topics of public roads and public access roads. Your logic is off. Have you not seen what happens when someone is doing donuts in a parking lot and the cops show up? You don’t just get asked to leave the property… your car gets impounded and you get charged with reckless driving.

I’d be willing to bet he at least turned his lights on, the dash cam audio activated a moment before the impact indicating to me the dash cam was set to record when the officer activated lights/sirens

What. Else. You. Got.

Catch-22? Now answer my question.

I’m worried that’ll be just a little too intellectually challenging for someone of your caliber… what else you got?

Is one of them to continue arguing with a pregnant stranger on the internet? If so, I have a few ideas myself on how we can spend this lovely evening together…

If you’re moving out at the end of the lease and it doesn’t say anywhere in the lease that you must keep utilities below a certain threshold or keep thermostats set to a certain point… I’d just set the air how you want…

Also, what kind of air conditioner doesn’t turn the cooling off at 60? The fan might still be running but I highly doubt the cooling runs any lower than 60 as it’ll start to frost…

Wait until this guy finds out about Ethernet….

Rented or own machine?

TS3 is a VOIP client with positional audio capabilities, unlike Discord. TFAR will not work without it.

Oh yeah, get reforger! You’ll have a great time

Have you played any of the other ArmA titles?

Best way I’ve heard it described so far,

If you want to support BI, get into the ArmA 4 modding scene, or even just test how it runs on your hardware… buy it.

If you’re looking for a whole game like A3, it’s gonna be a while before the mod content gets even a quarter of the way to the content we have with A3. Reforger’s design purpose is more of a demonstrator and proof of concept for A4 than anything else, but is still a ton of fun regardless.