Well, best of luck. Hope the universe throws you a bone.

It was stolen a decade ago? My dude, that ring is long gone.

Rest assured, the rest of us in line despise both you and your wife. =p

If you don't have any other tattoos, or don't have a real interest in tattoos, I'd suggest a few laser sessions -- it's already pretty faded. Would be much less noticeable than a dark coverup.

I think it's safe to assume that pretty much anything this person's told you directly is a lie.

The sick panther could totally have made the scar

Good luck, dude! I hope they can improve your penis cowboy.

Clicked on this hoping someone had done this. Was not disappointed. Awesome.

I think it's a serviceable cover-up. Yes, it does have some blobby shading in the middle, but that's masking the original tattoo. Cover-ups are about compromise. I actually don't think it's bad.

You approved the stencil, dude. End of the day, it's on you (literally). Though I will say, the artist should have been clear with you that they changed the design. A lot of artists won't copy something, even with "permission." My go-to artist is very up front that he won't copy something, but he'll gladly reinterpret it and show you the image to approve or request revisions to. But to echo other comments -- they definitely turned that frog into a wiener in cowboy boots.

Please take me back, Janet. I've changed, I swear! Let me see my kids!

Terrier. He has a fine 'stache coming in too.

6/10 - I don't think I appreciated it as much as most people.

Pretty sweet mullet. Gonna give it 7/10.

Well at least you have a clue to what triggered the urgency.