I just finished this story not fifteen minjtes ago. Hot damn! This is one of the best short stories he’s written, IMO. There were moments of real suspense. Loved it!

Class of ‘89. I hung out with friends in the smoking area out back. We were mainly punks and metalheads. The girls were all really cool and smart. The rest of the guys and I all did our best to be mature, but most of the time it didn’t seem to be worth the trouble. Fun times.

I remember when we had glass two liter bottles

As with any other addiction, the question is whether what you’re doing negatively affects other areas of your life. For example, if you can only be aroused if you try things you usually only see women do in porn or if you give up on a social life to stay home exclusively and watch porn. 

I guess I kind of look at it the way an old-school Grateful Dead fan or Bruce Springsteen fan would. Those guys could put on 4 or 5 hour shows, and whatever they were up for, their fans would be an eager audience. I guess I’m like that with SK. Whatever he’s got to say, I’m interested in reading it.

Can’t believe how blatant they were about A. marketing to kids with a cartoon camel, and B. drawing the camel with a giant schlong for a face.

I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who recognizes just what a gem of a book this one is. Maybe it just wasn’t the ideal moment for it. If he had brought this one out in the ‘70s or ‘80s, we’d be talking about this one as among his classics. 

Exactly. That’s what happened first with Larry Bird and the Celtics against the Pistons and then MJ and the Bulls against the Pistons. They just sent in somebody like Oakley to put somebody on their back.

She’ll start getting protected like MJ was once the league accepts that she’s their number one draw and has the potential to be for many years if they just stop people taking cheap shots at her. 

Maybe Howard will have it on with him…I mean have him on again.

That’s not an accident

She only read the two movie novellas. But she really liked them. Said they both had a lot of heart. 

He seems to have a lot of good memories of his time with Howard. He’s tweeted quite a few anecdotes about his appearances.

I saw them at Miami’s Bayfront Park just as they were about to break. Perry Farrell was wearing this ornate beaded dress with matching headpiece and they absolutely burned the place to the ground, they were that good.

A friend of mine and I thought we were pretty something as kids because we had the bright idea first of folding socks down and under the soles of our feet and then buying womensankle socks and cutting off the little pom-poms they used to have. That was in about ‘87 or ‘88. 

Please. Talk more about microwave fruit sex.

This was also an hommage to the 1970s Farrah Fawcett red swimsuit pinup.

I agree with this. I’m not a lesbian and I wouldn’t want to speak for anybody’s lived experience, but if you’re at the maturity level to enthusiastically allow someone access to the holiest of holies then I think it’s safe to say you’re no longer a virgin. (I do say “allow” because I think consent is key and unwanted contact doesn’t mean you’ve lost your virginity)

I totally agree. I used to love this song but it never got enough airplay and you never heard it played after it’s initial release. It just dropped off everybody’s radar. I wonder if it was the crummy video that turned everybody off the song.

This is my recommendation for anybody who wants to know where to start with SK.  Especially if they’ve seen the movies Shawshank or Stand by Me. I even got my GF to read it and she finds horror novels to be too scary.

It’s funny, I can recall my first time riding without training wheels too. I just decided I would do it one day, asked them not to put training wheels on my new bike and off I went. I think I had learned that speed equaled stability and I could go quite a ways without the training wheels touching the ground so I just decided to go for it. That was 47 years ago.

I don’t know what anybody expected. The guy is literally a Republican. The only reason Obama nominated him was a. so he could prove Democrats aren’t “soft on crime” (and apparently only Republicans are tough on crime) and b. so the Republican senate would approve him before the elections.

Evil Dead and The Lost Boys. Just because I’d love to see them on the big screen again.

Edit: Swap Lost Boys for Empire. I’d love to see this with a theater full of people seeing it for the first time