What even is the point of fake crying? Isn't his base about "alpha males?"

Yeah we've all seen the vids. It just looks like a rusty reef.

Not in tune with Titanic discovery... Is there anything new these dives can hope to see?

This is interesting to me because I attended san Diego comic con a few times and never came across gross stink... But this was before Hollywood took over. I guess my last attendance was in the early aughts. It wasn't even very crowded, so that probably helped with avoiding smells

This is the way. Teach the kids to embrace it. We generally do in later life!

They probably know exactly how this goes. I once chastised my cousin for doing lifts in flip flops, and then I got murdered by the crossfit community

I so appreciate you and others taking the bullet!

This is giving me the same energy as that meme of Obama on a skateboard with nun chucks, except completely false

That's what happens when you have to hire people to write all your songs, and you hire the wrong people.

Heard a reviewer say her new music sounds stuck in the early aughts. Sounds about right considering she's living in her past all around

You know what's wild? I stopped myself from signing up because I'm so afraid that my info will get hacked and attacked. No matter how legit Move On is... His cult, and more importantly, foreign nations interested in him are fucking scary

I'm torn on this one. She is quiet and unassuming, but it definitely works for some roles. She probably would suck at live theater.

She manages to get extra hate for being a nepo baby, but I personally don't get upset seeing her pop up in a role.

I've made a comment before about this. JLo acting in The Cell was the first time I was able to identify bad acting lol

Something I never thought about before. Thank you and I will try to remember this!

It's pretty well known that any kind of glassware (bathroom and coffee cups) are often just wiped down. If you happen to stay in a place with a kitchenette, you can at least remove food solids.

I would never use a hotel glass cup or coffee maker. Even at a semi expensive place

But ALWAYS leave a tip

I sadly admit that I have very little knowledge of British colonization outside of the US. And history of the Indian subcontinent. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Wow, hadn't thought about that. Beautiful, just beautiful. The most beautiful thing. Bigly beautiful.

I happened to turn on NPR 10 minutes before they announced it. They just kept talking about waiting for the verdict, and I just kept imagining it's like an old timey movie, where some little kid runs out of the courthouse and yells the verdict to the whole town gathered around.

It was a glorious moment. So much winning, yet so much anxiety still

Hmm not sure how I feel about this.

As a law professor stated on NPR, it's amazing he wasn't able to be convicted for more serious and stronger-argued crimes up to this point.

The man should definitely be in prison for all manner of things.

He may get probation instead of prison (his lawyers will definitely ask for this), but if he gets convicted in any of the other cases, his likelihood of prison goes up dramatically. And they can add prison time for this case after revoking probation.

Lol he's a master at lore.

I just remember that company was featured on an npr program a few years ago. They just agreed they made beaucoup bucks from canning water.

I have to say, I love a couple of their flavors, and I will sometimes opt for them because of less sugar and good taste. It's just good product

Hey good job!! I hope you're staying clean!

And yeah, depending where you are, there are definitely rehab/diversion places that are known as standard business for reoffenders. When I did my intake for DUI, I was left alone with one other offender on the computers and that dude was telling me I was being too honest with my answers lol.

I did walk back some of my answers, but I utilized counseling as much as I could during that time. I knew I needed help.

Everyone called it that she would back trump after her run. Even after everything she bashed trump for.

Her trump announcement only managed to call Biden the worst thing ever, after being far more descriptive about trump's faults lol

I only catch his tweets here on reddit, but what makes him crazy besides clapping back and making "liberal" points?

Agreed. There's something else to be said about military personnel actually on a war front doing such things, but this is clueless and psycho.