Normally I’d say yeah it’s a nice change but it just kinda lends itself to Starfield’s creepily pro corpo stance.

Between their RGB contact lenses and the uncanny valley mocap I’m sure it’ll go very creepily.

Keep making excuses and I’m sure it’ll get to that before long. They always starts small.

Mando S2 for sure. Andor is fantastic but the first episode doesn’t too much on its own, it works better as a companion to the other two. The Marshall is an epic, exciting, explosive introduction to the season that looks amazing and sets up the stories we’re following.

Gears 3 enemy design was so top tier man.

I kinda wanted a scene of Ahsoka going to see him before she went off after Ezra. Just a scene of him living in retirement, the two of them reminiscing about the Clone Wars and Rebels adventures and Rex wishing he could tag along but knowing he’s too old for this one.

Man. That Night Trooper is garbage

Anakin skipping the lightsaber bullshit and just gonna straight up laser beam Dooku

I noticed that today, the critiques are almost identical to the Prequels upon release;

Bad dialogue Bad acting Boring story Bad changes to the mythology of the Force Cool action

This guy thinks Revenge of the Sith is one of the best films ever made, I GUARANTEE IT

I always found it jarring that they completely skipped the time jump without any context or reasoning. Why didn’t we see Ahsoka learning to wield a second saber? Why didn’t we see her going to Ilum to get a second crystal? There was some strange choices in the early days of Clone Wars for sure. Some potential for real character growth with Ahsoka there that just got skipped over

Didn’t you fools do that exact same thing when prequel memes tricked you into thinking those films were anything but horseshit

I feel like they should’ve taken the lesson from HOTD and found actual twins to play Mae & Osha instead of using the same person duplicated with CG.

“I’ll own my fucking shit and take responsibility, seven years after the fact”

Since you reposted it, you’re still a loser