Where did this supposed Utopia exist online? I only know the Walmart of online forums that was Yahoo comments.

96-97 Rockets I think is better. Barkley, Olajuwon, Drexler, Kevin Willis, and 6-MOY and 21 ppg scorer Eddie Johnson off the bench.

I don’t know the meaning of several of those words.

Vacaville one was terrible. Clearly used canned mushrooms and other poor quality ingredients and then charged a fortune for it.

Sure, it was overpriced. But at least it was terrible terrible pizza. And you can’t beat that combination.

:cle-5: Cavaliers

Ikoro’s stats are irrelevant to Strus’s performance. 55% TS is trash no way around it. One of the worst starters in the league which is apparent to anyone who’s watched more that 5 Cavs games.

:cle-5: Cavaliers

5 games? lol. Even if you go by stats he was absolutely terrible. TS% is one of the biggest indicators of performance. I only brought that up because I didn’t want to type out all the other ones that he was below average at, which is basically all of them. You think 41/35/79 shooting splits are good for a starter getting 32 minutes/game? They’re not.

:cle-5: Cavaliers

How many Cavs games did you watch? Strus is one of the worst starters in the league and probably worse than most 6th men. He’s even worse in the payoffs. He had one good outlier year. But he should not be a starter in the NBA.

:cle-5: Cavaliers

He’s bottom 5% of all starters of playoff teams and about bottom 10% of all starters in the NBA. Bro he’s absolute trash and there’s literally no evidence that he isn’t.

55% TS is trash plain and simple.