Any job where the most BTZ winners come from. Ie those who can volunteer 90% of their job and make rank.

Haha talk to the US military about that one

What's his accent?! It like changed 3 times mid video

New season of archer is going to be fire

Why do people even watch this ogar eat food? Like what's the point ?

Because you were going 5 mph over the limit on an open country road harming no one, I will cut off traffic and go twice over the limit to catch you , pull you over and ticket you for driving recklessly.

Can we stop posting this for 1 God damn day

It's like a reverse version of the movie office space. Like a whole lot of work doing nothing to improve anything. Best representation would be if Michael Scott was running the Air Force and tried to brief everyone what the mission is. Just a leader not knowing how to actually connect and motive the people below them

Everyone - They should be going after things that matter, not a dress uniform that is hardly worn. Go after things like medical and finance.

Senior leaders- People are getting complacent so we need to hold them accountable let's go after blues.

The entirety of the world - everything sucks already and we can't meet normal demands.

Airmen - I haven't worn this uniform in 5 years. Gotta buy new pants. -insert AAFEES shortage.

Senior leaders - it's the Airmen's fault. Increase the punishments

God damn sitcom

Happy cake day! Too bad I can't gift this to you!

I mean they also didn't paint the wall when they replaced the thermostat. What would you expect

I'll detroy you