Bless you Odin. You are such a good cat for giving your owner so many years of happiness. Be at peace.

Jade had her chance. Jamie Hayter is over with the fans and she should be TBS champ now.

Pits don't see owners as that, they see them and everything else as chew toys. If someone went close to the owner, they aren't protecting them, it just doesn't want anything else touching its stuff.

I blame the parents, the breed and the shelter that manipulated their way to housing any and all dogs like this.

I love the Bunny and Penelope as a team. Tony needs to put out a women's tag belt soon. And I think the Bunny and Penelope should be the first recipients of that belt. They are so good together.

You don't look a day over 35. What a fantastic body.

Wow what a vision of beauty. Sexy and graceful all at once.

1989 and BvS. The BvS one looks so damn slick. Not to mention it's a tough piece of machinery. That beast can withstand bullets, crashes, explosions, falls, and missiles. It cruised through all of those obstacles..until it hit Superman.

If only the government passed a law that looked like that. It would save so many lives.

They bitch and complain about their hurt feelings, meanwhile their pits kill and mame innocent people and pets. So they can fuck right the fuck off to hell.

Ah yes TikTok, the bastion of high intellect and civility.

There is absolutely NO defending this case. None. Pitnutters that do, obviously doesn't care that baby died. Which makes sense since they NEVER care about anyone's well being except their murder mutt.

Ignorant irresponsible owner + murderous aggressive dog = absolute disaster.

Would rather see Pitbull vs an alligator or shark.