because people complained the only good ones were the damage cards, particularly,  the Balance.

The "people" being hardcore raiders, not casuals. The job was changed for the 30 or so percent that did savage/ultimates. Not the other larger portion of the community who didn't really care and just wanted to have fun.

I think you're a female pedo sympathiser by the looks of the defending youre doing on this thread mate. Not interested in talking to you.

Please stop defending male paedophiles.

Where did I defend them? I said they get heavier sentences than women. Learn to read.

Okay so the next time a man rapes a girl, can we blame mental health and say he didn't rape her. He was just suffering from mental problems! I had a look at your profile and you seem to blame everything on bad mental health. This ain't it mate.

The truth is they just don't care if women rape kids. That's literally it. There's nothing more to it. They see men raping kids as far worse morally so they get heavier sentences.

no stress for a decent salary,

There are plenty of jobs that are nothing but a piss take and they get paid well. High stress doesn't equal more pay. Hell I get paid £40k/year in the North and I'm on Reddit most of the the day lmao

I said this many times before and got doawvoted to oblivion.

Not surprised. You sound like a corporate boot licker.

The problem with your comment is that most places have "bullshit jobs". Job that dont actually provide a tangible benefit to the company. A good example is my company has so many weirdos in HR that add barriers to the job. So much so that I actually think they're harming sales and profit more than anything. They are literally paying people in their company to make them less profit.

So yeah, I would be fine with working from home with little work.

We didn't know how good we had it in SB. So many jobs were better. AST, DRK, SCH and a few others. The RNG was a fun little mini game mechanic. Unless you were a bleeding edge hardcore raider who was min/maxxing parses, the RNG mechanic didn't matter in casual content.

Blah blah blah just get a social circle bro! You missed just get a shower bro! and just clean your room bro!

I'm just gonna assume you're in your teenage years.

Edit: wait, you post on r teenagers. I was fucking right lmao. One day you'll be 30+ like me and will understand life isn't as simple as typing out silly stuff like "just go the gym" on Reddit. Especially when you realise there are loads of fat/overweight men with girlfriends and never went to a gym in their life.

To be fair, Dragon Age has never been a difficult game or intended to be difficult. While FromSoft games are meant to be difficult but they are becoming easier due to becoming mainstream.

At least Sekiro doesn't have an easy mode. Either git gud or quit. But yeah the Dark Souls games, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne all have summon NPC mechanics that basically just make the game easy mode. Elden Ring went a step further and gave you summoning ashes.

People buying EA games must feel challenged quite a lot to be honest.

They are clinically regarded

That's why people like Johnny Somali chose Japan

I think that is changing. But Japanese people are starting to get really annoyed with foreigners/tourists these days. I've noticed a lot of the Japan residents subs have had Japanese people muttering "fucking foreigners" under their breath. Makes me a bit scared to go in January for 3 months. I wonder whether there could be violence against us. The press over there is also demonising tourists.

I don't understand why people were having issues with him charging at the start? I was a Sorcerer and I just shielded the initial charge. It took about 50% of my stamina bar up and that's it? You don't even need to dodge it unless you're not playing a shield user I guess.

My biggest fantasy now is my own private residence, house all locked up and safe. Tons of money tucked away in accounts and safes. All that and just sitting in one of those windowless walk in closets for some minor sensory deprivation

I understand that. It's good to have a roof over your head and no stress over debts. But that money can't come with you when you die. And if you're alone, your estate may get taken back by the government, unless you plan to give it to your siblings.

I don't have a wife or kids so for me, spending an entire lifetime working, just to get a house that crumbles to dust eventually or taken back by the government doesn't seem worth it. Like it feels like I'm working toward nothing. At least if I have a wife and kids they could have the house after I died.

But then again, it's not like I have a choice. I'm not rich. I will just be homeless if I don't work.

They could have just changed Balance to not be a DPS card (maybe magic damage resistance instead) and the situation would have been fixed. Instead they have frankenstiened the job for a few expansions now. AST was the most fun to play in SB. I dont care if some min/max parsers wanted to fish for Balance. Those guys are ruining the jobs because of their obsession with parsing logs.

They wouldn't be bitching if they just made it like they did in SB. Maybe change Balance and Arrow to something else a well.

So they could have changed that particular card but kept the others? Or changed Balance and Arrow to something else because Spear and Bole were fine. I think the worst take ever is saying AST is good now. It's shit compared to the SB days. Maybe it's good for spreadsheet min/max parsers who like a simplistic rotation, so they can brag about their parsing, but boring for everyone else who doesn't care about being on the bleeding edge.

AST has been shit since SB. And so has SCH. The only healer job that has gotten better is WHM.

Right, instead we should return to when the only card that mattered was Balance!

Only for hardcore raiders. Obviously the goal was to get Balance in all content but I would use what cards I had. It was a fun RNG mechanic.

It took MANY MANY swipes and clicks and a few dates to finally meet her.

My guy, you are going on dates. You just sound like a failed normie. I can't even get a single date for months and years. You were never FA. Just thought you were or were pretending to be so. The fact you had dates proves you weren't FA.

people give advice that works

It's not advice that works though. It's just generic shit you hear every single day on every single fucking subreddit. I'd be fucking rich by now if I had a penny for every Redditor how told me to touch grass, get a social circle, go to the gym etc.

I am building a little tech desk. So far I have 4 monitors. Two are my main PC, one is a Raspberry Pi 5 and the other is a TV.

Money relieves stress of debt but doesn't make you happy in my opinion. It's easy to say "Can you buy a Lambo when you're poor?" Obviously not but things like that are fleeting happiness. I bought myself a 510bhp rear wheel drive sports car about 2 years ago and ended up selling it recently. I think after a few month the happiness wore off. I think this is why people keep buying things because the dopamine shots from new things keeps them going.

I'd trade all the money I have for a normal life and not being FA or autistic. Time is more important than money in my mind. And working steals all your time to make someone else richer.