Go move to northern Ontario and see what that’s like, then come back

Careful, one minute you’re walking through that, the next two identical hunters on tricycles ride out and before you know it your ship is flooding with blood.

Have you ever lived in a small town or even minor city?

Ottawa’s pretty good. We have great museums, the NAC, gallery, decent public transport (yeah, it’s not great, but try taking the bus in a lot of southern Ontario), nature trails, festivals, barefax, the canal, a few decent concert venues like the Bronson centre.

The food scene is worlds apart from 10+ years ago, and we actually do get some good acts at blues fest.

Sure, we’re not on the “North America tour” route for a lot of bands, and our nightclubs kinda suck, and downtown closes way too early. That doesn’t negate that we do have some excellent amenities.

They don’t make any sense, they’re not correct for GoT

It wasn’t easy 15 years ago either.

I’ve never felt TFWs were a good solution to our economic situation.

The ones I hired were this professional but with a roller and brushes.

They literally pulled out a brush to paint a nail I forgot to remove, it looked exactly like the spider.

How do they do this?

Do they put a bomb in the paint can like Mr Bean?

And it's always the thickest paint you've ever seen, like they're hoarding the lead based stuff for the last 40 years.

My wife is very respectful and privacy focused, so I'd assume it was going to be something really awesome that she wants to remember.

Heck yes!

It’s a very fun game for the price. There are tons of active players, and I still meet people who are active on chat and fun to play with. I have run into very few cheaters or grieves, but they get a lot of attention online. In practice, it’s a non issue.

I won’t lie and tell you it doesn’t have rough edges and bugs, it does, but they in no way make it not worth the value.

The devs do try and fix the bugs, but sometimes that creates new ones. On the whole stability is pretty good and the only crashes I get lately (haven’t played since last patch) have been due to one bug related to people leaving lobbies. No idea if it’s fixed.

Once I went to one and a guy got kicked out for holding two kids and repeatedly shooting them the entire round.

I never had issues with the Ottawa one though, except for all the running, jumping, and climbing in things. The daytime staff there were super chill last time I went.

That would be brilliant, make it a SQL dialect with Objective C style bracketed function calls, and strict typing, and give it a Turing complete templating language, but the the templates code only works during compilation and you have no reflection capabilities at runtime.

Honestly javalang would be more confusing.

Is the lineage java, or JavaScript? How do I Google this?

Aside from Jesus being a carpenter, why are you posting this here?

I quite like this space, I think you could take some inspiration from Japanese design while still being Scandinavian style.

Lots of woods and woven textiles, that couch is a great choice. A light rug under it would define the space nicely and then some wall art.

But it's a good excuse to buy a band saw!

Yep, this surprised me most when I got mine. I expected to be sharpening for 10 minutes, it was a couple hours for all 4 I had the first time.

And I got better at sharpening each one I did, so I went back and redid my first two.

OP: For Narex (and probably most chisels) it's also totally normal to have a bit of a hollow on the back, you don't need to grind down and flatten out the hollow, you just need it to be flat at the cutting surface of the blade.

You'll be wasting effort and material if you keep trying to get a fully flat back.

I pretty much only drink hard liquor, but I've got enough bottles that I'm good for the year.

A lot of my family has moved from drinking beer to liquor because beer can be quite heavy and filling.

Why would private companies sell for cheaper? They already know what you'll pay.

Contrary to what people think, prices are, and always have been, what people will pay not what a product costs. That's the whole reason marketplaces and bazaars existed for thousands of years.

I've ring nobody told me about S4S: use it quickly or it can warp

You should just text him and ask if he wants to get some soup with you or something.

For what it’s worth, we just bought leather furniture and it’s fine, plus looks nice. Zero damage after many years now.

It’s not sticky like some cheap leather can be.

I did the same and even though they liked the scratchers, they works accidentally scratch the couch and would still wear it down

Just never ever feed animals, it never helps them.

Feed your own pets and that is all.